Saturday, July 29, 2017

Why memories matter

Why Memories matter (especially the good ones)

Janpha Thadphoothon

We all have memories, good or bad. As we live we gather them. Some memories stay with us for a long time. We want to cherish them and embed them as part of our lives. Sweet memories define us. Bad meories, sometimes, help us to move forward in life.

I am fond of my memories, good or bad. They are like my second self. I think we all should nourish them with great care and tenderness. After all, these memories or the stories (our stories) are what shall remain in us. Memeories make life worth living.

This may explain why people love posting and sharing their memories. On Facebook or Instagram or other social media. We want our memories to stay with us and we want them to be forever.

The saddest thing in life is the loss or absence of memories. Even though there are times and occassions when we wish some memories (nightmares) disappeared or vanished, memories know their roles and places, they have their own existence.

We should allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by memories worth keeping and let the wind and rain wash the bad ones away. Keep only those worth keeping and with the hands of kindness..let the wind of time blow the bad ones away.

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