23rd November 2019
Arrived at Tribhumvi International airport , Kathmandu, Nepal
JT Blog - logged and managed by Janpha Thadphoothon, a lecturer at the International College, Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, Thailand
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Promoting Students' Engagement through Creative Writing Activities
Promoting Students' Learning Engagement through Creative Writing Activities
By Janpha ThadphoothonOne of the challenges in education recognized among teachers is engagement in learning. Engagement means students' efforts, interest, etc. Engagement is easier said than done. It involves one's heart, head, and hands (Cognition, Behavior, and Feelings or Attitudes).
When one is engaged in one's learning, one does not give up easily. This is called resilience. Never give up amidst obstacles and challenges, or anything blocking the way. Some may cal this 'Viriya' or effort.
Another aspect of engagement is one's drive to get it done, a drive toward success.
One of the ways to promote their engagement is the use of creativity.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The 2019 DPU-STP English Camp
The 2019 DPU-STP English Camp
November 5th, 2019
At Sathapornwittaya School, Banglane District, Nakornprathom Province, Central Thailand
DPU Business English major students taking a course titled EN 391 Introduction to English Language Teaching got together and organized an English camp in collaboration with Sathapornwittaya School.
There were 8 learning stations:
1. Matching games
2. Where do you want to go?
3. Directions
4. Verb you so bad
5. Human scrabble
6. ASEAN is here.
7. Basketball Expressions / Sports
8. Singing and Learning English
Monday, November 4, 2019
Thailand-US Relationship in Crisis?
Thailand-US Relationship in Crisis?
By Janpha ThadphoothonDonald Trump has come up with measures, especially trade policies, that have caused problems in relationships with many parts of the world. Thailand has to deal with the new demands from several places, including from the US.
By the way, one should not associate or attribute what President Trump has done to the US as a state and the general American people. The is the first agreement and should be the basis on how we analyze the situation. Trump is not the US.
Since in plan to cut Thailand's trade benefits (GSP), the relationship between the two states, long believed as a cordial one, has become somewhat strained. For one thing, perhaps the most important one, the announcement to cut the trade privileges, came a week before Thailand's hosting of the big event the 35th ASEAN summit. If anything, this may be perceived as a slap on the face, making Thailand losing its face. As one knows, Thailand is a highly contextualized state. There is nothing hurtful than losing face.
Donal Trump has his reasons. Looking at the statistics, the number tells the story.
Trade in Goods with Thailand - shows that the US is losing the trade balance to Thailand (has been) losing the trade surplus. In 2019, for example, the value of exports were 12,448 million of US dollars, but the volume of imports were 331,872.7 millions of dollars. the surplus was at -19,424.4 millions of dollars.
If anything the two countries have long become good friends. Thais and Americans have been helping each other for along time. Trump may be too direct, but diplomats and officers have to adjust the situation.
Examples of the US under the Trump administration are abundant. Recently, NATO seems to face problems relying too much on the support of the US. News has it that Macron told the Economist in an article published Thursday that Europe can no longer rely on the United States to defend NATO allies.
As mentioned above the Trump administration has not been popular across the globe. What's happening in Thailand during the 35th ASEAN Summit was just another instance, reminding us ot to rely too much on external power - ASEAN needs to stick together and form a bloc with basic decency and standards of right and wrong.
USA Trade Census Bureau (2 Nov 2019). Trade in Goods with ThailandRetrieved from
Sheena McKenzie and Lindsay Isaac, CNN (2019, Nov 7th). Macron says Europe is facing the 'brain death of NATO'. Retrieved from
The Thaiger (30 October 2019). Thailand has 6 months to discuss GSP with US Retrieved from
The Bangkok Post. (31 October 2019) Thai officials headed to USTR for explanation on GSP cut. Retrieved from
The 35th ASEAN Summit in Bangkok, Thailand
Welcome to Thailand - the 35th ASEAN Summit in BKK, Thailand
By Janpha Thadphoothon
Please cite as:
Thadphoothon, J. (2019, November 5th). "The 35th ASEAN Summit in Bangkok, Thailand". Retrieved from
Once again, it's the kingdom of Thailand's turn to host several important meetings, including the 35th ASEAN Summit. Welcome to the beautiful Thailand.
Looking back into the history, we have come a long way. In August 1967, at the Laem Thaen, Bang Saen Beach, five statesmen from five neighboring lands huddled together, hammering out the final text of a short and simple document containing just five articles which marked a new beginning for their countries in the region.
ASEAN has, once again, returned to where it was originated. Thailand takes it seriously, it always does. This years the government has declared a two-day holidays for government offices, which means that all schools and educational institutes are requested to close their operations.
Members of ASEAN
Stated in Article 4, the members are as follows
1. Brunei Darussalam
2. The Kingdom of Cambodia
3. The Republic of Indonesia
4. The Lao People’s Democratic Republic,
5. Malaysia,
6. The Union of Myanmar,
7. The Republic of the Philippines,
8. The Republic of Singapore,
9. The Kingdom of Thailand
10. The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.
Based on the Charter -Article 7 is the section on the summit. Let's have a look.
1. The ASEAN Summit shall comprise the Heads of State or Government of the Member States.
2. The ASEAN Summit shall:
(a) be the supreme policy-making body of ASEAN;
(b) deliberate, provide policy guidance and take decisions on key issues pertaining to the realisation of the objectives of ASEAN, important matters of interest to Member States and all issues referred to it by the ASEAN Coordinating Council, the ASEAN Community Councils and ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Bodies;
That's why in Bangkok in November 2019, we also held several other meetings.
(c) instruct the relevant Ministers in each of the Councils concerned to hold ad hoc inter-Ministerial meetings, and address important issues concerning ASEAN that cut across the Community Councils. Rules of procedure for such meetings shall be adopted by the ASEAN Coordinating Council;
(d) address emergency situations affecting ASEAN by taking appropriate actions;
(e) decide on matters referred to it under Chapters VII and VIII;
(f) authorise the establishment and the dissolution of Sectoral Ministerial Bodies and other ASEAN institutions; and
(g) appoint the Secretary-General of ASEAN, with the rank and status of Minister, who will serve with the confidence and at the pleasure of the Heads of State or Government upon the recommendation of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting.
3. ASEAN Summit Meetings shall be:
(a) held twice annually, and be hosted by the Member State holding the ASEAN Chairmanship; and
(b) convened, whenever necessary, as special or ad hoc meetings to be chaired by the Member State holding the ASEAN Chairmanship, at venues to be agreed upon by ASEAN Member States.
Every summit means a new statement, usually official. This is the statement of the 35th summit.
The Chairman's official statement as published on
1. We, the Heads of State/Government of ASEAN Member States, gathered in
Bangkok for the 35th ASEAN Summit on 2-3 November 2019.
We reiterated the importance of continuity and sustainability in ASEAN Community-building
efforts and commit to continue promoting partnership for sustainability, within
ASEAN and in ASEAN’s relations with the international community, in order to
realise a people-oriented, people-centred ASEAN Community that leaves no
one behind and looks to the future.
2. We reaffirmed our commitment to realise ASEAN as a region of lasting peace,
security and stability, sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and social
progress. We recognised the rapidly changing geostrategic landscape and the
need for ASEAN to be increasingly proactive, in order to remain relevant as
well as to maintain ASEAN centrality and ASEAN’s role as the primary driving
force in the regional architecture.
3. We acknowledged that realising the goals and aspirations of ASEAN integration
requires strong partnerships with our Dialogue Partners and other external
partners. We therefore underscored the need to continue promoting synergy
among the various ASEAN-led mechanisms, including the ASEAN Plus One,
ASEAN Plus Three (APT), East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum
(ARF) and ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus).
4. We reaffirmed our shared commitment to maintaining and promoting peace,
security and stability in the region, as well as to the peaceful resolution of
disputes, including full respect for legal and diplomatic processes without
resorting to the threat or use of force, in accordance with the universally
recognised principles of international law, including the 1982 United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
5. We noted with satisfaction the work that has been done in implementing the
ASEAN Leaders’ Vision Statement on Partnership for Sustainability. We
reiterated our goal of moving towards a sustainable ASEAN, through enhancing
sustainable security, promoting a seamless ASEAN that is connected to the
world and pursuing sustainable development in order to increase ASEAN’s
strategic value-added and bring about regional stability and prosperity. We
encouraged harnessing technological advances to enhance resilience and
ASEAN’s competitiveness in addressing the growing change and complexities
in the regional and global environment, including those arising from the Fourth
Industrial Revolution (4IR).
6. We were encouraged by the immense progress in leveraging regional
cooperation and partnerships to attain the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and realise its complementarities with the ASEAN Community Vision
2025. We reiterated ASEAN’s commitment to the SDGs and welcomed the
statement delivered by Thailand on behalf of ASEAN at the SDG Summit on 24
September 2019 in New York. We commended ASEAN’s collective effort in
developing the Complementarities Roadmap, which will serve as guidance for
further advancing the Complementarities Initiative during 2020 – 2025. We also
welcomed the launch of the ASEAN Centre for Sustainable Development
Studies and Dialogue (ACSDSD) in Thailand. We welcomed the convening of
the ASEAN Forum on SDGs with National Development Planning Agencies:
Accelerating SDGs Implementation in ASEAN. We looked forward to more
engagements of ASEAN sectoral bodies with the national development
planning agencies on SDGs implementation. We also welcomed the convening
of the Directors-General Forum of ASEAN Countries on Development
Cooperation. We commended the convening of the 4th ASEAN-China-United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Symposium: Innovation in
Achieving the SDGs and Eradicating Poverty and looked forward to the 5
th Symposium in 2020.
7. We commended the significant progress of the Master Plan on ASEAN
Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 in strengthening ASEAN Community-building and
promoting sustainable development. We welcomed the completion of the Initial
Rolling Priority Pipeline of ASEAN Infrastructure Projects which presents
opportunities for sustainable infrastructure development and investment in
ASEAN. We were pleased to note the ongoing efforts to implement the project
on the “Development of an ASEAN Database on Trade Routes and Framework
for Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency” to create a more seamless and
connected ASEAN, as well as the initiatives on technical and vocational
education and training (TVET) and higher education to enhance human capital
and foster people mobility. We reiterated the importance of ASEAN centrality
and the need to create links and synergies between MPAC 2025 and various
key connectivity initiatives within and beyond ASEAN through the “Connecting
the Connectivities” approach. We underscored the need to safeguard such
enhanced regional connectivity from transnational crime and other cross-border
challenges and thus welcomed efforts to enhance border management
cooperation in the ASEAN region as reflected in the ASEAN Community Vision
2025 and in accordance with respective domestic laws and policies. We expressed appreciation to the ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee
(ACCC), the Lead Implementing Bodies (LIBs) and relevant ASEAN sectoral
bodies for their concerted efforts to advance MPAC 2025, and the continuous
support from our Dialogue Partners and external partners.
8. We noted the completion of the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan
III (2016-2020) implementation review and expressed our appreciation to the
ASEAN Secretariat and the Government of Australia for its support in this
important undertaking, as well as to ASEAN Member States, Dialogue Partners
and external parties for the implementation of the IAI Work Plan III. Recognising
the importance of monitoring, review and evaluation of the capacity building
projects and technical assistance to Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and
Viet Nam (CLMV), we tasked the IAI Task Force to follow up on the
recommendations from the review to improve the effectiveness of the Work
Plan III. We welcomed the drawing up of the succeeding work plan to continue
the efforts to narrow the development gap and deepen regional integration.
9. We also welcomed the efforts of sub-regional frameworks that involve ASEAN
Member States such as the Ayeyawady - Chao Phraya - Mekong Economic
Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS), Indonesia–Malaysia–Thailand Growth
Triangle (IMT-GT), the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines
East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA), the Cambodia–Laos–Myanmar–
Viet Nam (CLMV) cooperation, the Cambodia–Laos–Viet Nam Development
Triangle Area, the Singapore–Johor–Riau (SIJORI) Growth Triangle.
We encouraged closer coordination between ASEAN sectoral bodies and subregional cooperation frameworks in achieving our goal of narrowing the
development gap among and within ASEAN Member States.
10. We welcomed the continued progress in the ASEAN Smart Cities Network
(ASCN), particularly in the implementation of the Smart City Action Plans, which
contribute to the development of smart and sustainable cities. We noted the
adoption of the ASCN Terms of Reference at the Second Annual ASCN
Meeting on 23 August 2019 in Bangkok, and the enhanced interaction with
external partners including Dialogue Partners and G20 countries, as well as
congratulated Singapore for being appointed as the ASCN Shepherd who will
provide advice and support to the ASCN Chair for the next two years. We also
acknowledged the support of ASEAN Dialogue Partners in facilitating
partnerships for ASCN cities, and in providing support to develop ASCN
capacity on smart city planning.
11. We congratulated Dr. Jemilah Mahmood, founder of Mercy Malaysia, for
receiving the ASEAN Prize 2019 in recognition of her leading role in various
humanitarian missions and disaster management.
12. We were pleased to note the progress in the implementation of the APSC
Blueprint 2025 and encouraged the relevant sectoral bodies to continue their
work in addressing the remaining action lines while sustaining momentum in
taking further action on the implemented action lines. We looked forward to the
Mid-Term Review of the Blueprint to be undertaken in 2020 with an aim to
further improving its effective implementation.
13. We reaffirmed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) as
the key code of conduct governing inter-State relations in the region and a
foundation for maintaining regional peace and stability. We are committed to
further promoting the principles embodied in the TAC in the wider region and
emphasised the importance of all High Contracting Parties fulfilling their
obligations under the Treaty and welcomed the accession of new High
Contracting Parties.
14. We reiterated our commitment to preserve the Southeast Asian region free of
nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction as enshrined in
the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone (SEANWFZ
Treaty) and the ASEAN Charter. We stressed the importance of the full and
effective implementation of the SEANWFZ Treaty, including under the Plan of
Action to Strengthen the Implementation of the SEANWFZ Treaty (2018-2022).
We reaffirmed our commitment to engage the Nuclear Weapon States (NWS)
and intensify the ongoing efforts of all Parties to resolve all outstanding issues
in accordance with the objectives and principles of the SEANWFZ Treaty. We
underscored our commitment to strengthen our common resolve in making
substantive progress, including through the biennial SEANWFZ Resolution at
the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
15. We welcomed the signing of the Practical Arrangements between ASEAN and
the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) by the Secretary-General of
ASEAN and the Acting Director-General of the IAEA on 16 September 2019 in
Vienna and looked forward to closer cooperation with the IAEA in the areas of
nuclear safety, security, and safeguards as well as nuclear technologies and
their applications.
16. We reaffirmed our continued commitment in the fight against transnational
crimes. We took note of the implementation of the Bohol Trafficking in Persons
(TIP) Work Plan 2017-2020 and the discussion of the Work Plan of the ASEAN
Plan of Action to Prevent and Counter the Rise of Radicalisation and Violent
Extremism 2018-2025 led by the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational
Crime and the Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime
(AMMTC/SOMTC). This progress signifies the strengthening of cross-sectoral
and cross-pillar collaboration in preventing and combating transnational crime.
We noted that the AMMTC will discuss greater cooperation in border
management, where Thailand plans to propose at the AMMTC a roadmap that
could lead to an ASEAN-wide border management arrangement based on
existing institutions and guided by domestic laws and regulations of ASEAN
Member States. We noted the on-going efforts to facilitate the movement of
people through discussions on the development of the ASEAN Visa Portal and
the feasibility of the ASEAN Business Travel Card under the ASEAN DirectorsGeneral of Immigration Departments and Heads of Consular Affairs Divisions
of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs (DGICM). We also noted the progress on
operationalising the Guidelines on Consular Assistance by ASEAN Member
States Missions in Third Countries to Nationals of Other ASEAN Member
States, which demonstrates ASEAN’s efforts as a people-oriented, peoplecentred Community and enhances ASEAN’s abilities to provide assistance to
our nationals.
17. We expressed serious concerns regarding global moves to reschedule certain
types of illicit drugs and encouraged ASEAN Member States to reaffirm its
commitment towards a drug-free region and a zero-tolerance approach towards
illicit drugs to reinforce ASEAN’s centrality and unity in mitigating undue
influences that are against ASEAN’s stand. In the light of this, we reaffirmed
our full support to the cooperation to fight illicit drugs under the ambit of the
ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Drug Matters and the ASEAN Senior Officials
on Drug Matters (AMMD/ASOD). We took note of the outcome of the First
Internal Review of the ASEAN Work Plan in Securing Communities Against
Illicit Drugs 2016-2025 (ASEAN Work Plan 2016-2025), which highlighted 79
per cent of implementation rate. We also commended the good work of the
ASEAN Narcotics Cooperation Center (ASEAN NARCO) in publishing the
fourth series of the ASEAN Drug Monitoring Report (ADM) 2018. We reiterated
our call for all ASEAN Member States to intensify efforts to fight the drug
18. We noted with appreciation the thorough implementation of the ASEAN
Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) Three-Year Work Programme 2017-2019
as well as the seven ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working Groups Work Plans 2017-
2020. In this regard, we acknowledged that the defence sector has continued
to deepen cooperation in the existing areas and strengthen relationship with the
Plus Countries. We welcomed the issuance of the Joint Declaration of the
ASEAN Defence Ministers on Sustainable Security and the adoption of various
initiatives at the 13th ADMM including the Concept Paper on the Guidelines for
the Assessment of the ADMM Initiatives, Concept Paper on the Role of ASEAN
Defence Establishments in Supporting Border Management, Concept Paper on
Expansion of the ASEAN Direct Communications Infrastructure (ADI) in the
ADMM Process, Concept Paper on the Establishment of ASEAN Military
Medicine Conference, Terms of Reference of ASEAN Our Eyes and ADMM
Guidelines for Maritime Interaction. These initiatives reflected the ADMM’s
commitment to promote sustainable peace, stability and prosperity in the region
and to strengthen ASEAN centrality in the regional security architecture while
enhancing mutual trust and confidence amongst the ASEAN Member States
and Plus Countries. We were pleased to see the inclusion of the ASEAN Center
of Military Medicine as a subsidiary body under the ADMM in Annex I of the
ASEAN Charter and the annualisation of the ASEAN Military Medicine
Conference (AMMC), which will further deepen practical cooperation among
ASEAN military medical practitioners, within the ADMM. In addition, we
observed the sustained endeavour to enhance interoperability through the
successful conduct of several ADMM and ADMM-Plus exercises this year,
including the ASEAN-United States (U.S.) Maritime Exercise and the inaugural
ASEAN Peacekeeping Centres Network Staff Exercise. We looked forward to
further progress in defence cooperation in 2020, which marks the 10th
anniversary of the ADMM-Plus.
19. We reaffirmed our commitment to work together in addressing cross-cutting
maritime issues of common concern in our region comprehensively within the
framework of the ASEAN Maritime Forum (AMF) and Expanded ASEAN
Maritime Forum (EAMF). We agreed on the need to strengthen the role and
function of the AMF and the EAMF and appreciated the ongoing work and
discussions on these matters. We looked forward to the convening of the 9th
AMF and 7th EAMF this year in Viet Nam.
20. We recognised the growing sophistication and transboundary nature of
cyberthreats and underlined the need to address cybersecurity challenges in a
holistic manner to ensure an open, secure, stable, accessible and resilient
cyberspace to support the ASEAN digital economy. We emphasised the need
to enhance regional cybersecurity cooperation through a feasible cross-pillar
cybersecurity coordination mechanism, strengthening a rules-based
cyberspace, as well as supporting the cybersecurity activities and training
programmes of the ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Capacity Building Centre
(AJCCBC) in Bangkok and the ASEAN-Singapore Cybersecurity Centre of
Excellence (ASCCE) in Singapore, which will complement existing ASEAN
efforts in cybersecurity capacity building. We welcomed the convening of the
International Conference on Cybersecurity: Implications on Peace & Security in
the ASEAN Region on 10-11 May 2019 in Bangkok, the 4
th ASEAN Ministerial
Conference on Cybersecurity (AMCC) in Singapore and other activities held at
the margins of the Singapore International Cyber Week 2019 in October 2019
in Singapore that has contributed to enhancing multi-stakeholder dialogue and
cooperation on cybersecurity issues.
21. We welcomed the renaming of the ASEAN ICT ministerial and senior officials'
bodies to ASEAN Digital Ministers Meeting (ADGMIN) and ASEAN Digital
Senior Officials Meeting (ADGSOM) to reflect the role of ICT as an enabler of
digital transformation in other sectors, and the ICT Ministers' endorsement of
the establishment of an ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Cybersecurity
which shall comprise of representatives from relevant sectoral bodies to
strengthen the cross-sectoral coordination on cybersecurity while preserving
the exclusive work domains of the sectoral bodies.
22. We commended the work of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on
Human Rights (AICHR) in the promotion and protection of human rights in
ASEAN over the past decade. In this regard, we expressed confidence that the
AICHR, as the overarching ASEAN human rights body, will continue to build on
the past achievements and experiences to enhance its institutional capacity and
procedures in promoting and protecting human rights in order to contribute to
ASEAN Community-building for the benefit of the peoples of ASEAN. We noted
with appreciation the AICHR’s efforts to broaden and deepen their thematic
areas of work in alignment with ASEAN’s cross-pillar, cross-sectoral areas,
including business and human rights, environment and human rights, and the
rights of persons with disabilities. We supported the AICHR’s effort in
developing a strategic plan to set out a vision for the AICHR over the next five
years and beyond in responding to a changing socio-economic landscape and
the emerging priorities of the region and its peoples. We also supported the ongoing efforts by the AMM to review the TOR of AICHR. We also encouraged
the AICHR to reinforce its commitment of working in partnership with ASEAN
bodies and entities, civil society organisations and private sector as a catalyst
to the promotion and protection of human rights in ASEAN, and to strengthen
its relevance as a knowledgeable and trusted partner in order to provide
advisory services and technical assistance on human rights upon the request
of ASEAN Sectoral Bodies.
23. We noted with appreciation the launching of the ASEAN Institute for Peace and
Reconciliation’s (ASEAN-IPR) first research study on the Lessons Learned
from a Process of Conflict Resolution between Government of the Republic of
Philippines (GRP) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) as Mediated
by Indonesia (1993-1996). We welcomed the establishment of the ASEAN
Women for Peace Registry (AWPR) as well as various initiatives and actions
on women’s role in peace processes, in line with the Joint Statement on
Promoting Women, Peace and Security in ASEAN, namely the convening of
the first regional symposium on Implementing Women, Peace and Security
Agenda in ASEAN, on 22-23 August 2019 in Phnom Penh, which aimed at
promoting the role of women in peace and reconciliation efforts and the
Regional Training on Women, Peace and Security held in Jakarta from 8-10
April 2019. We also noted with appreciation efforts to promote women
negotiators in the region. We also encouraged the ASEAN-IPR GC to continue
their ongoing discussions on the long-term financial sustainability of the
ASEAN-IPR in furtherance of the Institute’s work and objectives.
24. We noted with appreciation the organizing of the ARMAC’s International Day
for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action 2019 under the theme
“Raising Mine/Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Awareness for Peace,
Stability and Resilience in ASEAN through Youth” on 3-4 April 2019 in Phnom
Penh. We commended the National Consultative Meetings for Mine Risk
Education Project, with the collaboration from the local stakeholders in
Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet Nam and Thailand. We also welcomed
the ARMAC Regional Workshop on Gender Equality and Empowerment in the
ASEAN Mine/ERW on 21-22 October 2019 in Vientiane, Lao PDR.
25. We noted the successful convening of the APSC Fact-Finding Mission (FFM)
to Timor-Leste from 3-5 September 2019, and encouraged the ASEAN
Economic Community (AEC) and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)
Pillar to expeditiously conduct their respective FFMs. We also noted TimorLeste’s strong political will to become a member of ASEAN and reaffirmed our
commitment to continue supporting Timor-Leste’s development through
capacity building assistance, at the bilateral and regional levels.
26. We were pleased to note that ASEAN, as a region, continued to register a
positive performance in output, trade and investment. The region’s economy
grew by 5.2 per cent in 2018, reaching a combined GDP of USD 3.0 trillion in
2018, to retain its position as the fifth largest economy in the world. We noted
ASEAN’s total merchandise trade reached USD 2.8 trillion in 2018, of which
23.0 per cent was intra-ASEAN; and ASEAN’s total services trade reached
USD 778.6 billion in 2018, of which 15.7 per cent was intra-ASEAN. On
investment, we noted that inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) to ASEAN
reached USD 154.7 billion in 2018, the highest to date, of which 15.9 per cent
was intra-ASEAN. We acknowledged, however, that global and regional growth
outlook for output, trade, and investment remained subdued given the
prolonged trade tensions and economic uncertainties. We expressed concern
on the developments relating to the trade tensions between our major trading
partners and reaffirm our strong commitment to upholding a transparent, open,
inclusive, and rules-based multilateral trading system as embodied in the World
Trade Organization (WTO). We recognised the urgency to ensure the
continued relevance of the WTO, through appropriate reforms to ensure that
the system is more inclusive, its functions - particularly its dispute settlement
mechanism - remain effective and are strengthened, to take into account the
changing realities of the global economic environment.
27. We welcomed the conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic
Partnership (RCEP) negotiations and the commitment to sign the RCEP
Agreement in 2020. This will significantly contribute to an open, inclusive and
rules-based international trading system and expansion of value chains.
28. We welcomed efforts to upgrade ASEAN’s existing free trade agreements,
including, but not limited to, the full implementation of the ASEAN-China Free
Trade Area (ACFTA) Upgrading Protocol; further liberalisation of Sensitive
Track products under the ASEAN-Korea Trade in Goods Agreement; the Work
Plan for the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA)
Upgrade Negotiations; and the review of the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods
Agreement to make this more user-friendly, simple and trade-facilitative for
businesses. We also expressed our appreciation to ASEAN’s FTA and
development partners for their continued support to ASEAN’s Communitybuilding efforts through the various economic cooperation programs that they
have established under the ASEAN Plus One FTAs. We welcomed, in
particular, the economic cooperation activities being organised by ASEAN’s
Dialogue Partners to prepare ASEAN for the challenges and opportunities
brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including to enhance the capacity
and readiness of ASEAN towards a digital economy.
29. We welcomed the progress in the implementation of the Priority Economic
Deliverables for Thailand’s ASEAN Chairmanship. On the strategic driver of
future orientation, recalling the Leaders’ recognition of the need for ASEAN to
be well-prepared and able to maximise the opportunities from 4IR, we issued
the ‘ASEAN Declaration on Industry Transformation to Industry 4.0,’ which,
among others, reaffirms ASEAN’s commitment to advance Industry 4.0 through
the development of an ASEAN consolidated strategy on the 4IR as well as
explores the possibility of establishing new mechanisms and open platforms to
support government, academia and industry to accelerate the ASEAN
transformation to Industry 4.0. We are pleased to note the adoption of the
‘ASEAN Digital Integration Framework Action Plan (DIFAP) 2019 – 2025’, the
‘Guidelines on Skilled Labour/Professional Services Development in Response
to 4IR’, the ‘ASEAN Declaration on Industrial Transformation to Industry 4.0’
and the ‘Policy Guideline on Digitalisation of ASEAN Micro Enterprises’ at the
51st AEM Meeting in September 2019; and the endorsement of the DIFAP
2019-2025’ and look forward to the adoption of the ‘ASEAN Innovation
Roadmap 2019-2025’ by the AEC Council. We welcomed the onboarding of
7 ASEAN Member States in the live-operation for the exchange of the ATIGA
e-form D via the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) and looked forward to the
participation of all ASEAN Member States in the ASW by this year. We
commended the launch of innovative financing facilities namely the Inclusive
Finance Facility and the ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF) under
the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund. The $1.3 billion ACGF, supported by green
development partners intends to catalyse private sector financing into green
infrastructure projects in ASEAN. We looked forward to the adoption of the
‘ASEAN Gastronomy Tourism Master Plan’ by the ASEAN Tourism Ministers in
2019 which will serve as non-mandatory guidelines for gastronomy best
practices in ASEAN Member States. We also noted the progress in the
development of the Guideline on ASEAN Local Currency Settlement
Cooperation Framework. On the strategic driver of sustainability for all, we
commended the endorsement of the Roadmap for ASEAN Sustainable Capital
Markets and the signing of an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between
the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the National Science and Technology
Development Agency of Thailand on 5 September 2019 to support higher
utilisation of bioenergy, human resource capacity development and the work
towards the establishment of an ASEAN Research and Development Network
Center on Biofuels and Bioenergy in the region. We also welcomed the
commencement of a feasibility study on an ASEAN General Fisheries Policy
and the adoption of the Concept Proposal on the Establishment of the ASEAN
Network for Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing at
the 41st ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) Meeting.
30. We reaffirmed our commitment to make ASEAN a more connected and
integrated region, leveraging on the possibilities presented by the digital
economy and the interlinkages of global value chains. We looked forward to
more initiatives to address the Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) in the region through
the implementation of the principles in the Guidelines on Non-Tariff Measures
(NTMs). We looked forward to the signing of the Mutual Recognition
Arrangements (MRA) on Type Approval for Automotive Products (APMRA) and
welcomed the adoption of the ASEAN Guidelines on Good Regulatory Practice
(GRP) for technical regulations, as well as the ASEAN Principles on
Harmonisation of Regulatory Regime. We commended the acceleration of
Patent Cooperation by nine ASEAN Member States to process artificial
intelligence (AI)-related inventions through the ASEAN Patent Examination Cooperation (ASPEC) Acceleration for Industry 4.0 Infrastructure and
Manufacturing (ASPEC-AIM) and the continued implementation of the ASEAN
Framework on Digital Data Governance. We recognised that technology is a
strategic enabler of financial inclusion and were pleased with the publication of
two Guidance Notes on Financial Education and Consumer Protection and the
Digital Financial Services which will serve as guidelines for the pursuit of
prospective activities to promote digital financial inclusion, financial education
with focus on digital financial literacy, and consumer protection in the region.
We welcomed the signing of the Protocol to Amend the Mutual Recognition
Arrangements for Tourism Professionals (MRA-TP), which would enable more
tourism professionals to be recognised under the MRA-TP, thus enhancing
mobility of certified tourism professionals across and beyond the ASEAN region
and increasing competitiveness in the tourism sector.
31. We noted the on-going work to promote sustainable economic development on
various fronts. We commended the continuing efforts to sustain regional power
integration and promote multilateral power trade in the ASEAN Power Grid
through the conclusion of the Feasibility Study on Multilateral Power Trade and
the ASEAN Renewable Integration Analysis Study on integrating renewable
energy into cross-border power trade, and looked forward to follow through the
recommendations in 2020. We were encouraged by the region surpassing its
energy intensity reduction target of 30 per cent by 2025, based on 2005 levels,
and welcomed intensified efforts to achieve ASEAN’s renewable energy
aspirational target of 23 per cent share of renewable energy in the region’s total
energy mix by 2025. We also committed to further strengthen our cooperation
to advance the fight against illegal wildlife trade, especially: (i) global and
regional wildlife trade policy, (ii) demand reduction, (iii) law enforcement, and
(iv) wildlife cybercrime.
32. We underscored the need to ensure that the AEC is inclusive and participatory
and delivers real benefits to the people. We commended public and private
sector efforts, culminating at the 2
nd ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit held
on 1 November 2019 in producing economic opportunities and improving Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with new socio-economic
development paths. We noted the strong involvement of ASEAN Business
Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) and its Joint Business Council partners, and
called for more collaboration between medium and large enterprises with
governments to promote inclusive business through conducive rules and
regulations; enhance access to financial resources, education; and build
capacity for entrepreneurs and underprivileged communities. We supported the
ASEAN-BAC initiatives including the ASEAN Human Empowerment and
Development towards 4.0 (AHEAD 4.0), digital trade connectivity and the
ASEAN Mentorship for Entrepreneurs Network that will help prepare ASEAN
for the 4IR, as well as for the long-term future. We affirmed the importance of
strengthening outreach and communication to keep stakeholders informed and
updated on the progress of the initiatives and available opportunities in the
AEC. We welcomed the publication of the ASEAN Integration Report 2019,
which provides key updates on the implementation of the AEC Blueprint 2025.
We welcomed the endorsement of the concept note for the AEC Blueprint 2025
Mid-Term Review by the AEC Council, and looked forward to the completion of
the review, which will be undertaken by the ASEAN Secretariat from 2020 to
early 2021.
33. We noted the deep concern of some ASEAN Member States on issues relating
to unfair market access and treatment for palm oil. These will bring negative
impact on palm oil producing countries and their strenuous efforts to attain
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), palm oil sustainability and
environmental protection. We reaffirmed our support for the concerned Member
States’ efforts to address the sustainability of palm oil, including their continued
engagement with relevant parties.
34. We noted the endorsement of the ASCC Blueprint 2025 Results Framework
and its imminent operationalisation, including gathering baseline data and
training desk officers on Monitoring and Evaluation. We also noted that, as
mandated by ASCC Blueprint 2025, a Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE), covering
the period 2016-2020, will be conducted to monitor and evaluate the progress
of the ASCC Blueprint 2025. We noted encouraging efforts by the ASCC in
strengthening cross-sector and cross-pillar work, including through initiatives
such as the development of the ASEAN Development Outlook.
35. We reaffirmed our commitment to developing the human capital of our countries
and our region, as a critical element in driving competitiveness, prosperity and
resilience for a sustainable future, amidst challenges from rapid demographic,
environmental and technological transformations. To this end, we adopted the
Bangkok Declaration on Advancing Partnership in Education for 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development in ASEAN and noted the Regional Action Plan for
the Implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Education for
Out-of-School Children and Youth as a sign of our unwavering commitment to
create more and equal opportunities for inclusive quality education and lifelong
learning. We noted the progress of regional initiatives by our ASEAN Education
Ministers on higher education, student mobility, scholarships, technical and
vocational education and training (TVET), and engagement with industries and
other stakeholders. We welcomed the convening of the ASEAN High-Level
Meeting on Human Capital Development in Bangkok on 9 September 2019, coorganised with the World Bank and UNICEF, which was a follow-up to the Bali
ASEAN Leaders’ Gathering in 2018. We welcomed the progress made on
efforts to facilitate regional cooperation on TVET. Recognising the importance
of health for human capital development, we looked forward to regional
initiatives on whole-of-society and whole-of-government approaches in
promoting healthy lifestyles and strengthening health systems including
achieving universal health coverage. We are also pleased to note the progress
of initiatives by our ASEAN Labour Ministers, including the establishment of the
ASEAN informal employment statistics database to support evidence-based
policy development towards decent work promotion in ASEAN. Acknowledging
the importance of preparing a capable, effective and responsive civil service in
the digital era, we welcomed the adoption of the ASEAN Statement on
Promotion of Good Governance and Acceleration of an Agile Civil Service in a
Digital Economy by the ASEAN Heads of Civil Service to promote good
governance among civil servants at all levels.
36. We reaffirmed our commitment to promoting inclusion and respect of rights,
especially of the elderly, women, children and persons with disabilities to
reinforce an ASEAN Community that leaves no one behind. We welcomed the
establishment of the ASEAN Training Centre for Social Work and Social
Welfare (ATCSW) and ASEAN Centre for Active Ageing and Innovation (ACAI)
and looked forward to fostering synergy between ACAI and relevant ASEAN
Sectoral Bodies on generating knowledge, innovation, support to active ageing
policies and the implementation of the ASEAN Regional Action Plan to
Implement the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Ageing: Empowering Older
Persons in ASEAN. We also reaffirmed our commitment to the implementation,
subject to each Member State’s reservations of the Convention of the Rights of
the Child (CRC), which all ASEAN Member States have ratified. The 30th
anniversary of implementing the CRC heralds new opportunities and
challenges for our region in ensuring that the rights and welfare of every child
in ASEAN is recognised, respected, protected, and promoted. We adopted the
Declaration on the Protection of Children from All Forms of Online Exploitation
and Abuse in ASEAN. We also noted the progress of implementation of the
ASEAN Enabling Master Plan 2025: Mainstreaming the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities and commended the convening of the Public-Private-People
Conference on ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025 held in Singapore. We
support the vision of the ASEAN Confederation of Women’s Organisations
(ACWO) to leverage on its network to bridge the advantages of smart
technologies for women, to enhance the quality of women’s lives in ageing and
to empower women in the economy.
37. We noted the briefing by Myanmar on the situation in Rakhine State. We
reaffirmed our support for a more visible and enhanced role of ASEAN to
support Myanmar in providing humanitarian assistance, facilitating the
repatriation process, and promoting sustainable development in Rakhine State.
We welcomed the opportunity to communicate ASEAN’s efforts to facilitate the
repatriation process with the displaced persons in Cox’s Bazar. We appreciated
the efforts of the Secretary-General of ASEAN in leading the implementation of
the recommendations of the ASEAN-Emergency Response and Assessment
Team (ERAT) Preliminary Needs Assessment (PNA) to facilitate the
repatriation of displaced persons in Rakhine State. We welcomed the outcomes
of the 2nd Technical Working Group Meeting held on 29 October 2019 in Nay
Pyi Taw, and the identification at that Meeting of prioritised projects to
implement the recommendations of the PNA on enhancing capacity of
Reception and Transit Centres, strengthening of information dissemination and
support to the provision of basic services in Rakhine State as the first step and
looked forward to their implementation. We supported the proposal of the
Secretary-General of ASEAN to establish an Ad-Hoc Support Team of the
ASEAN Secretariat to focus on implementing the recommendations of the PNA.
We noted the preparation and looked forward to the conduct of the
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA). We also underscored the
importance of exploring possible areas of cooperation with our Dialogue
Partners in supporting ASEAN activities, including the prioritised projects in
Rakhine State to facilitate the repatriation process.
38. We encouraged the continued and effective dialogue between Myanmar and
Bangladesh to facilitate the repatriation process of displaced persons from
Rakhine State. We recalled the Arrangement on Return of Displaced Persons
from Rakhine State between the Government of Myanmar and the Government
of Bangladesh signed in 2017 and looked forward to the voluntary return of
displaced persons in a safe, secure and dignified manner. We support the
implementation of the three points reached at the Informal Foreign Ministers’
Meeting among Myanmar, Bangladesh, and China on 23 September 2019 in
New York to facilitate the implementation of the bilateral agreements between
Myanmar and Bangladesh on repatriation. We reiterated the need to find a
comprehensive and durable solution to address the root causes of the conflict
and to create a conducive environment so that the affected communities can
rebuild their lives. We encouraged Myanmar to continue to implement the
remaining recommendations of the final report of the Advisory Commission on
Rakhine State. We expect that the Independent Commission of Enquiry
established by the Government of Myanmar would seek accountability by
carrying out an independent and impartial investigation into alleged human
rights violations and related issues. We also reaffirmed ASEAN’s continued
support for Myanmar’s efforts to bring peace, stability, the rule of law, to
promote harmony and reconciliation among the various communities as well as
to ensure sustainable and equitable development in Rakhine State.
39. We welcomed the progress made in enhancing environmental protection and
cooperation, particularly on climate change, marine debris, and transboundary
haze pollution. We reiterated our commitment to implementing our obligations
under the Paris Agreement, taking effective climate change mitigation and
adaptation measures, strengthening science-policy interface, and adopting an
intergenerational people-oriented and people-centred approach to climate
action. To underscore our commitments to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), we delivered the ASEAN Joint
Statement at the UN Climate Action Summit on 23 September 2019 in New
York and we adopted the ASEAN Joint Statement on Climate Change to the
25th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP25) in
Spain. Recognising the urgent need for strong regional collaboration among
ASEAN Member States and with partners to effectively address marine debris
pollution, we looked forward to the expeditious implementation of the Bangkok
Declaration on Combating Marine Debris in ASEAN Region and the ASEAN
Framework of Action on Marine Debris. We expressed concern over the recent
dry season and transboundary haze pollution affecting various ASEAN
countries this year. We reaffirmed our strong commitment to the ASEAN
Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution and the Roadmap on ASEAN
Cooperation towards Transboundary Haze Pollution Control with Means of
Implementation towards a haze-free ASEAN by 2020. While we noted with
appreciation the various initiatives and actions undertaken by ASEAN Member
States and the ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre, as well as the
continuous efforts in strengthening national capabilities and regional
cooperation in assessment, prevention, mitigation and management of land
and/or forest fires and the resulting haze, we urged ASEAN Member States to
step up preventive measures and immediate fire suppression procedures to
mitigate land and forest fires and to minimise the occurrence of transboundary
haze during periods of dry weather. We noted the progress towards the
finalisation of the Establishment Agreement and Host Country Agreement of
the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Transboundary Haze Pollution Control
(ACC THPC) in Indonesia.
40. We welcomed the signing of the MOU between ASEAN and the Fédération
Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) that would support football
cooperation and complement efforts in ASEAN’s joint bid to host the FIFA World
Cup 2034.
41. We noted the cultural events held in ASEAN and the ‘ASEAN Cultural Troupe:
Oneness to the World’ performances in Europe and the Republic of Korea
(ROK) as part of the celebrations of the ASEAN Cultural Year 2019. We looked
forward to the tour of cultural troupes and exhibitions in China and Japan to
further bring ASEAN cultures to wider audiences. To further promote the culture
of peace and intercultural understanding in strengthening regional identity, we
commended efforts and progress under Indonesia’s chairmanship of ASEAN
Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts (AMCA) and Senior Officials
Meeting on Culture and Arts (SOMCA) 2018-2020 to establish “the Narrative of
ASEAN Identity” and invite dialogue partners to support this initiative. We also
supported the designation of 2020 as the Year of ASEAN Identity.
42. We acknowledged the ongoing efforts of the ASEAN Foundation to partner with
the private sector to prepare for ASEAN youth to be future-ready by addressing
their digital skills development through initiatives like the ASEAN Digital
Innovation Programme and ASEAN Data Science Explorer and by promoting
volunteerism through the eMpowering Youth across ASEAN programme to
strengthen community bonds. We recognised that the ASEAN Foundation
Model ASEAN Meeting continues to strengthen youth involvement and
participation by developing their leadership and soft-skills. We appreciated the
effort of the ASEAN Science and Technology Fellowship to generate innovative
solutions to tackle socio-economic challenges and the effort of the ASEAN
Farmers’ Organisations Support Programme to develop the ASEAN Roadmap
for Enhancing the Role of Agricultural Cooperative in the Global Value Chain.
We looked forward to the convening of the inaugural meeting of the Network of
ASEAN Associations of ASEAN Member States in Thailand in December 2019.
43. We underscored that it is crucial for ASEAN to have in place a productive and
efficient mechanism in coordinating cross-sectoral and cross-pillar issues
across the three ASEAN Community Pillars. Recalling the recommendations of
the High Level Task Force (HLTF) on Strengthening the ASEAN Secretariat
and Reviewing the ASEAN Organs which were adopted in 2014, we
commended the work of the ASEAN Coordinating Council (ACC) and the
ASEAN Community Councils, with the support of the Committee of Permanent
Representatives to ASEAN (CPR), relevant Senior Officials and the ASEAN
Secretariat, in addressing the recommendation lines. In line with the efforts to
strengthen the ASEAN Secretariat, we welcomed the new ASEAN Secretariat
building inaugurated by the President of Indonesia and the Foreign Ministers of
ASEAN Member States and their representatives on 8 August 2019, and
encouraged more ASEAN meetings to be convened at the new building to
underline ASEAN centrality and unity. We encouraged all relevant stakeholders
to continue efforts in improving cross-sectoral and cross-pillar issues
coordination, strengthening the ASEAN Secretariat and ensuring the
effectiveness of ASEAN’s mechanisms towards realising the ASEAN
Community Vision 2025.
44. We were pleased with the progress of ASEAN’s relations with Dialogue
Partners as reported in the Progress of Implementation of Plans of Action
(POA) and agreed to further enhance and strengthen our partnerships by
working on successor POAs to continue efforts towards the realisation of the
ASEAN Community Vision 2025. We underscored the importance of advancing
our partnership with Dialogue Partners, Sectoral Dialogue Partners,
Development Partners, Regional and International Organisations, and other
external parties through relevant frameworks and the implementation of various
plans of action of cooperation. We welcomed the continuous support of our
Dialogue Partners to ASEAN Community-building efforts as demonstrated by a
notable increase in their technical assistance and financial contribution to
multiple regional cooperation programmes and projects. We looked forward to
the 22nd ASEAN-China Summit, the 22nd ASEAN-Japan Summit, the 16th
ASEAN-India Summit, the 7th ASEAN-U.S. Summit, and the 10th ASEAN-UN
Summit on 3-4 November 2019 as well as the ASEAN-ROK Commemorative
Summit to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-ROK Dialogue
Relations. We also looked forward to the ASEAN-New Zealand Leaders’
Summit following the conclusion of the 36th ASEAN Summit in Danang in April 2020.
45. We were pleased to note the growing interest from countries and regional
organisations to engage and develop stronger cooperation with ASEAN and
welcomed Chile becoming a Development Partner of ASEAN. We noted the
role of the CPR in promoting ASEAN external relations including with the 93
Ambassadors of non-ASEAN Member States accredited to ASEAN. We also
welcomed the role of the ASEAN Committees in Third Countries and
International Organisations to promote ASEAN’s interest and to forge
partnerships in the respective host countries and international organisations.
We further highlighted the importance of ASEAN’s partnerships with external
partners as well as international and regional organisations to address global
issues and to promote sustainable development for the benefit of our people.
In this connection, we looked forward to a fruitful exchange of views on
sustainable development with our external partners and relevant international
organisations at the Special Lunch on Sustainable Development on 4
November 2019.
46. We reaffirmed the importance of the ASEAN Plus Three (APT) cooperation
framework in promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the East Asian region.
We reaffirmed our commitment to further strengthen and deepen functional
cooperation under the APT process which plays a key role in regional
community building in East Asia, with ASEAN as the driving force. We agreed
to further enhance APT cooperation in wide ranging areas by implementing the
APT Cooperation Work Plan 2018-2022. We also looked forward to the
continued implementation of the East Asian Vision Group II recommendations
aimed at promoting East Asian cooperation.
47. We reaffirmed the importance of the East Asia Summit (EAS) as a Leaders-led
forum for dialogue on broad strategic, political, and economics issues of
common interest and concern with the aim of promoting peace, stability and
economic prosperity in the region. We agreed to further strengthen EAS
cooperation by implementing the Manila Plan of Action to Advance the Phnom
Penh Declaration on the EAS Development Initiatives (2018-2022). We
welcomed the continued discussion and efforts to strengthen the EAS, in line
with the 2015 Kuala Lumpur Declaration on the 10th Anniversary of the EAS
and based on the established objectives, principles and modalities of the EAS.
We noted the importance of the EAS Ambassadors in Jakarta in discussing the
implementation of Leaders’ decisions as well as exchanging information on
regional development cooperation initiatives and security policies and
initiatives, as provided in the KL Declaration. We encouraged enhancing
synergy between the EAS and other ASEAN-led mechanisms, and noted the
need to strengthen EAS cooperation in response to emerging issues and
challenges that affect peace, stability and prosperity in the region.
48. We emphasised the significance of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) as the
primary platform to promote peace, security and stability in the region through
constructive dialogues and consultations among the ARF Participants. In this
connection, we welcomed the outcomes of the 26th ARF held in Bangkok on 2
August 2019 and the adoption of the ARF Statement on Aviation Partnership:
Soaring Ahead Together, ARF Statement on Preventing and Countering
Terrorism and Violent Extremism Conducive to Terrorism (VECT), Joint
Statement on Promoting the Women, Peace and Security Agenda and the ARF
Work Plan on Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime 2019-2021, which
reaffirmed ARF’s commitment in addressing the increasingly complex
challenges amidst the evolving regional landscape. Noting the continued efforts
to strengthen confidence-building measures and promoting preventive
diplomacy, we encouraged ARF Participants to further undertake preventive
diplomacy activities in accordance with the ARF Work Plan on Preventive
Diplomacy. As the current ARF Vision Statement and the Hanoi Plan of Action
to Implement the ARF Vision Statement will expire in 2020, we welcomed
further efforts from all ARF Participants, especially the ASEAN Member States,
to enhance the efficiency of the ARF process, procedures and working
methods, with a view to emphasise, strengthen and enhance ASEAN centrality.
49. We reaffirmed our commitment to maintaining and promoting peace, security
and stability in the region, as well as to promoting dialogue and cooperation,
upholding international law and adhering to rules and standards that govern
relations among states. We underscored the importance of ASEAN centrality,
unity and leadership in the evolving regional architecture. We reaffirmed the
need to reinforce an ASEAN-centred regional architecture that is open,
transparent, inclusive and rules-based. We encouraged external partners to
work with ASEAN in promoting the principles as contained in the ASEAN
Outlook on the Indo-Pacific and to undertake cooperation with ASEAN on the
four key areas of cooperation, namely maritime cooperation, connectivity,
sustainable development and economic cooperation, in order to realise practical
projects. In this regard, we noted with appreciation Indonesia’s initiative to convene
the ASEAN Indo-Pacific Infrastructure and Connectivity Forum in 2020. We shared
the view that all initiatives on the Indo-Pacific should advance ASEAN centrality
and build upon ASEAN-led mechanisms, including the ASEAN Plus One, APT,
EAS, ARF, and ADMM-Plus.
50. We reaffirmed the importance of maintaining and promoting peace, security,
stability, safety and freedom of navigation in and overflight above the South
China Sea and recognised the benefits of having the South China Sea as a sea
of peace, stability and prosperity. We also reaffirmed the importance of the full
and effective implementation of the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties
in the South China Sea (DOC) in its entirety. We warmly welcomed the
continued improvement in cooperation between ASEAN and China and were
encouraged by the progress of the substantive negotiations towards the early
conclusion of an effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the South China
Sea (COC) within a mutually-agreed timeline. We welcomed the completion of
the first reading of the Single Draft COC Negotiating Text in July 2019. We
emphasised the need to maintain an environment conducive to the COC
negotiations, and thus welcomed practical measures that could reduce tensions
and the risk of accidents, misunderstandings and miscalculation. We stressed
the importance of undertaking confidence building and preventive measures to
enhance, among others, trust and confidence amongst parties.
51. We discussed the matters relating to the South China Sea and took note of
some concerns on the land reclamations and activities in the area, which have
eroded trust and confidence, increased tensions and may undermine peace,
security and stability in the region. We reaffirmed the need to enhance mutual
trust and confidence, exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities and
avoid actions that may further complicate the situation and pursue peaceful
resolution of disputes in accordance with international law, including the 1982
UNCLOS. We emphasised the importance of non-militarisation and selfrestraint in the conduct of all activities by claimants and all other states,
including those mentioned in the DOC that could further complicate the situation
and escalate tensions in the South China Sea.
52. We stressed the importance of continued peaceful dialogue amongst all concerned parties in order to realise lasting peace and stability in a denuclearised Korean Peninsula by all concerned parties. We urged all concerned parties to resume peaceful dialogue and continue working towards
the realisation of lasting peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula, including through the full and expeditious implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration, the Pyongyang Joint Declaration and the Joint Statement by the U.S. and DPRK Leaders. We welcomed the recent meeting between the leaders of the U.S. and the DPRK at the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ), as well as the resumption
of the working level negotiation between both sides in Stockholm. We reiterated
our commitment to the full implementation of all relevant United Nations
Security Council Resolutions and noted international efforts to bring about the
complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.
We also underscored the importance of ASEAN-led platforms such as the ARF
in promoting a conducive atmosphere to peaceful dialogue amongst the concerned parties.
1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Bangkok today.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Bangkok on Saturday for a three-day visit to Thailand.
2. The cabinet has approved a two-day holiday for all government offices in Bangkok and Nonthaburi province during the Asean summit and other meetings to be held at Impact Muang Thong Thani early next month.
Videos related to the 35th summit in BKK
PM Modi to attend ASEAN summit in Bangkok today. (November 2nd, 2019).
Retrieved from
The ASEAN Charter (3 November 2019) Retrieved from 2019).
Chairman's Staement of the 35th ASEAN Summit Retrieved from
ASEAN Coordinating Council (3 November 2019).
The Bangkok Post (15 October 2019). Two-day govt holiday for Asean summit.
Retrieved from
ASEAN-Thailand Secretariat, 35th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits (3 November 2019). Retrieved from
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