Monday, June 29, 2020


What is Dialogflow ?
Dialogflow is a natural language understanding platform that makes it easy to design and integrate a conversational user interface into your mobile app, web application, device, bot, interactive voice response system, and so on. Using Dialogflow, you can provide new and engaging ways for users to interact with your product.
Dialogflow can analyze multiple types of input from your customers, including text or audio inputs (like from a phone or voice recording). It can also respond to your customers in a couple of ways, either through text or with synthetic speech.

ROBOT & ME is a service which basically allows you to create your own chatbot for free.

Very Simple

Typically, people have a wrong notion that creating and managing a chatbot is a difficult and involves complex programming. However, we at ensure developing a chatbot is very simple which can be done by anyone.

Links to other websites

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Business English Program Meeting June 23, 2020

Business English Program Meeting June 23, 2020

Sakolkarn, Janpha, Ann, Bee
Time 13.30 PM till...

1. Freshmen activities - online, Starting on July 1st
- Self-introduction (Videotaped, 1-2 minutes)
- Classroom language
- Songs (Alexis' session)
- Quizzes

2. Group Photographs - Next week

At DPU Makers' Space
July 1st, 2020

How does the financial system work

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Emergence of Zombie Market

The Emergence of the Zombie Market

Janpha Thadphoothon

The phrase 'zombie firms' has been around for some time, referring to firms or companies unable to service debts over an extended period of time, but have been heavily subsidized by the authorities or outsiders. If you ask me to name a few, I am sorry to omit this part. But I am sure you can think of some without much effort.

The original use of this discourse is in the context of stock markets or investment. Under that context, a zombie company (also known as zombie firm) is "a firm that is unable to stand on its own feet – it either needs one or a series of bailouts, or is kept afloat by lenient creditors and below-market interest rates. (MBN)"

Another related term recently made available on the Internet is this - Zombie market' - the market  highly manipulated by external non-market force, often unpredictable and volatile.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Reading as a Lifestyle

Reading is a learned habit, especially reading in a foreign language. In this case, it is reading in English. One needs proper instruction and encouragement to acquire this intellectual and cognitive ability. The ability to read is valued greatly in all civilized societies. Fifty percent of schooling is actually about developing children's reading skills.

Most people started reading at home or in schools, through formal education, or schooling. At first, it may not be a fun activity; one has to be forced to do. Willingness to read often follows reinforcements. The progression is often from "I have to do it" to "I want to do it".

Reading has many purposes, ranging from reading for academic purposes to reading for pleasure. Reading has gradually become one's lifestyle when one has taken it from a must to a choice, from a duty to a habit. Reading as a lifestyle is not easy to realize. It requires time and effort from all stakeholders, including teachers and parents.

Your reading is your lifestyle when you do it with your morning coffee.
Your reading is your lifestyle when you do buy books on a regular basis.
Your reading is your lifestyle when you do carry books with you when taking a holiday.
Your reading is your lifestyle when you have your own library.
Your reading is your lifestyle when you have your favorite authors.
Your reading is your lifestyle when you write.
Your reading is your lifestyle when you no longer read for examination or testing.

AI as a Tool for Academic Writing: Opportunities and Challenges

AI in Academic Writing: Challenges and Opportunities By Janpha Thadphoothon We academics are constantly debating—and, let's be honest, ...