Friday, May 31, 2019

My paper to be given at an international conference

Brain Research and Its implications for English Language Teaching (ELT)

Brain Research and Its implications for English Language Teaching (ELT) 
Paper to be presented at the 1st International Conference on Integrative Medicine for Wellness 2019 (ICIM 2019)
JUNE 6-7, 2019

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Thailand TESOL-PAC International Conference, the 40th conference

The 40th ThaiTESOL-PAC International Conference


30 Jan -1 Feb 2020
Venue: The Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok

Paper Submission 

The year 2020 celebrates the 40th anniversary of Thailand TESOL and the return of our colleagues, Pan-Asian Consortium (PAC), to Thailand. This event marks the consolidation of TESOL professionals, practitioners and stakeholders with different cultures and beliefs to make differences in the world of language learning. 

All TESOLers from Asia and the rest of the world are welcome to share their research, innovation and professional practices at our Thailand TESOL-PAC 2020 conference. We welcome and invite TESOL presentations in the following, but not limited to: 

Call for papers


Localisation and globalisation in ELT
lntercultural communication
Cross-cultural issues
ELT professional development
Literacy and 21st century skills in ELT
Language learning
Bilingual and multilingual education
Teaching young learners
ELT innovative pedagogy
Curriculum and materials development
Language testing and assessment
Digital literacy in ELT
Language awareness and literature
Global Englishes
Computer-mediated communication in ELT
Blended learning and society
Innovative approaches in ELT research

Submission Types 

Paper Presentation  (30 mins)
Workshop/Colloquium (40 mins)
Poster Session (30 mins)

Submission at:
Submission decline:

Acceptance Notification
Within 3 weeks after deadline  31 August 2019

Publication Opportunities

Conference proceedings: Thailand TESOL is calling for papers from presenters to be published in our online proceedings. For more information, please visit:

http:/ /

For more information, please visit:
http:/ /

English in the Garden by Dr Janpha Thadphoothon

Sunday, May 19, 2019

How to Learn a Language - A Life Experience

Many of my students and the people I know often ask me one big question - how come you are so good at English. Some have asked me to share my stories. Here is one life lesson I would like to share with you.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

In memoriam of Dr Chote Yaemsaeng, a teacher

In Memoriam of Dr Chote Yaemsaeng

What I still vividly remember about Dr Chote Yaemsaeng is his inquisitive mind, his eagerness to learn and to discuss academic matters. He was a true academic, a math teacher, and a capable educationist.

Dr Yaemsaeng and i once had a long conversation on English and mathematics. He asked me about my love of languages, especially the English language. He told me that he was not that good at English, but he enjoyed solving math problems. How did I become a proficient English speaker? How do I learn English?

Learning about Generalization and Stereotypes

Cross-Cultural Communication Cross-Cultural Communication English ...