Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Curriculum Implementation REVIEW Dated July 3rd, 2019

Report on the 2018 Curriculum Implementation Review

# Draft Only #

(Implementation and Achievement Based on the Business English Curriculum)

Dated Review ---- July 3rd, 2019, Time 10.00 AM -14.30 PM

Venue: Meeting Room, 9th floor, Building 5, DPU

Review Committee, Chaired by Dr Sakolkan Insai


1. Dr. Sakolkan Insai
2. Dr Nathakritta (Moolek)
3. Dr Janpha Thadphoothon
4. Aj. Ann
5. Aj. Jutamat Samrit

Business English Program at DPU, BKK, Thailand

Purposes of the Review:

1. To review the coherence of the various components - contents, testing and evaluation , and standards, as specified by the syllabuses (MKO 3) or field study experience (MKO 4). Checking them against the real practice of deliveries - instruction, contents, activities, as well as time allocation for each activity.

2. To provide suggestions and comments on the implementation to the teachers/instructors

Criteria for Review

1. Lowest
2.  Low
3. Moderate
4. High
5. Highest

This is an important stage in the quality circle, known as the PDCA.

P-D-C-A or Plan, Do, Check, Action

On reflection, what we have been practicing was not simply a meeting determining the matching between the policy (curriculum) and practice (results). We discussed several other related issues pertaining to our work context. We also probed/delved into individual characteristics of our students.


Here are some of the salient issues we were discussing:

1. Digital learning / active learning - DPU would like teachers to implement active learning lessons/activities.

2. We discussed individual students' learning challenges, esp. slow learners. We noted that several students were affected by external factors, some beyond our control

3. Slow learners and fast learners - how to help both
One suggestion is: placement test (Can we actually talk to them verbally without resorting to using tests?)

4. Digital components of each course
How best to use technology to enhance their learning?

5. Low motivation of the students - as seen from their reluctance to apply taught structures in higher level courses

Many of our students seem to lack language awareness and application ability. They (many of them) found it hard to connect and expand their language learning. It might be their motivation.

6. Alignment of related courses, as evidenced from the comments by some lecturers suggesting more reading practice and reading material

7. Activities to help students (4th year students) getting to know their classmates and the faculty

8. How to make English majors think more -equip them with critical thinking skills
We discussed the similarities and differences between English majors and other majors such as the Chinese majors. Maybe, those taking our courses were diligent ones. We need to find out what really happened regarding their learning traits and achievement.

9. Many of our students are good at remembering texts - memorization. They are not so keen to do an impromptu speech.

10. Teaching in English or Thai in business subjects? We discussed ways to better equip our students with business knowledge and skills as required by the curriculum.

11. Reflection (written) by students should be done in their native language (Thai). In English, there were a lot of limitations.

12. We were discussing how some students had significantly changed their learning achievements. There are many instances (individuals) who were quiet and timid; in their 4th year, they somehow changed their learning habits and performance.

13. Support of new teachers in their grading, marking, and testing of students.

14. How to deal with next semester's teaching time - only 14 weeks.

15. Use of commercial textbooks - fixed, well-designed. Yet, it's not tailor-made for an individual student. After a few lesson, contents and parts become repetitive.

16. Jobs our graduates have been doing. Many work and study, earning to look after themselves.

17. How to give students feedback and motivate them to work harder?

18. Each batch of students may have different temperament and characteristics. Some are hard-working. Some are a bit laid back.


1. Dr Sakolkarn Insai - Special Workshop by three alumni - (15 July 2019) workshop for new students

2.  "English on the Rock" Accommodations - at Jakra Dao Resort - When 23-24 July 2019 (Tuesday and Wednesday)

Meeting adjourned at 15.00.

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