Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween: It's the Day

Halloween Day is today - October 31st

Halloween refers to the night of October 31st, when it was believed that the spirits of dead people appeared.

  1. It's the night of October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day, commonly celebrated by children who dress in costume and solicit candy or other treats door-to-door.

The children often dress as witches, ghosts, etc.

According to Wikipedia:

Halloween is also known as - Hallowe'en, also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in several countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. 

Date: Thursday, October 31, 2019 Trending

Significance: First day of Allhallowtide
Observances: Church services, prayer, fasting, and vigil
Observed by: Western Christians and many non-Christians around the world
Origin: Samhain

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reading to Bring Back Your Enthusiasm

Reading to Bring Back Your Enthusiasm 

By Janpha Thadphoothon

Any avid reader would agree that reading is a strange experience. All sorts of things and experiences may happen to you. As a matter of fact, reading is an attack on your cognition - meddling in one's brain.

Reading is indeed a magical activity.

Reading is never a silent activity, not a void, certainly. It's more engaging and can be highly interactive. If you read works by established authors or thinkers, they sometimes challenge you to dig deeper into some issues. You will feel that they are talking to you and encourage your to talk back or respond to their ideas.

Has it ever occurred to you that reading something you have read before (re-reading) something can actually reactivity you long-lost curiosity or even your past enthusiasm. It is like having a conversation with someone you have not met for a long time and he or she reminds you of who you are or used to be.

This kind of experience or feeling is valuable for us as humans. What we need is not just the future or to move ahead, but reflections and re-examination of our lives.

When people say that reading brings them joy, I for one believe it. It allows us to expands our horizons and sphere of knowing and being.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Good Reasons Why You Should Visit Thailand

Good Reasons Why You Should Visit Thailand

BY Janpha Thadphoothon

If you like food, Thailand is the place to visit, the food we have is affordable, clean, and good taste.
Thailand is known as a land of plenty, promoted as a kitchen of the world (for the world) by the government.

This does not mean that other places and countries do not have good food, but it imply an invitation to visit and try our tasty food. Thai restaurants offer Thai dishes in many parts of the world.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Notes from a Big Country by Bill Bryson

Notes from a Big Country by Bill Bryson

Leviathan By Thomas Hobbes

Leviathan By Thomas Hobbes

Have you tried reading this book? You should. The famous quote is this:  "The life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."

I was introduced to read this book by a friend some twenty years ago. He told me it's a book , a must-read one, if you are interested to learn about human nature.

The  natural state humankind:

There is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
Source: "Chapter XIII.: Of the Natural Condition of Mankind As Concerning Their Felicity, and Misery.". Leviathan.

The book'name is taken from the biblical Leviathan. The book concerns the structure of society and legitimate government, and is regarded as one of the earliest and most influential examples of social contract theory.

Much of the book is occupied with demonstrating the necessity of "a strong central authority" to avoid the evil of discord and civil war. This reminds me of the situation in many countries I know where the military has assumed its role as the governing body of the state.

Full title:  LEVIATHAN, or the matter, frme and power of a commonwealth ecclesiastical and civil. By Thomas Hobbes, of Malmesbury. Anno Christi 1651.
Published:   1651

Formats:  Book
Creator:  Thomas Hobbes

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Romantic Novel, A Billionaire Boss and His Assistant

Marrying a billionaire is a dream for many people
Read Marrying her Billionaire Boss by Myrna Mackenzie (2007)

English Language Newspapers in Thailand: Where are they?

English Language Newspapers in Thailand: Where are they?

By Janpha Thadphoothon

In the not-too-distance past, Thailand was a vibrant market for printed media. After the introduction of smartphones, however, things started to fall apart. 

Magazines have been severely affected. Nowadays, if you want to newsstands in Thailand, you will be lucky to find more than ten covers. Newspapers, especially, the English language ones have been hard hot. The Nation, after over 50 years in operation, decided to pull the plug on its printed version. Now, it only offer a digital news.

I walked past one of the newsstands and discovered, to my dismay, that I could not longer purchase a printed copy of any of the two English language newspapers in the country - The Nation and the Bangkok Post.

This realization, as an English teacher, saddened me as I am a regular customer /reader of the newspapers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Haiku and Coffee in Winter

Haiku for October 22nd, 2019

Waiting for coffee
Warm morning with singing birds
Winter has arrived

Note: I wrote this poem while I was waiting for my morning coffee at a university in Bangkok, Thailand, dated October 22nd, 2019.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cats Encyclopedias and Gardens

An Android Application for text reading

An Android Application for text reading:
You type the sentences or words and the machine will read them for you, speed adjustable.
Check below to download (Android Application):

Download - click on the link below:

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Metaphors and Similes

Metaphors and Similes are common in language use under; they fall  the umbrella called 'Figurative Language'

Figurative language is the language whose meaning needs interpretation and another layer of association.

1. Metaphors

A metaphor has become a word with mental picture. A simile stops short of entering the point of no return.

Ex. The clouds sailed (normally sailing is associated with sailboats)  across the sky.

Ex. Tim is a tiger. (Tim = Tiger) - Tim has the qualities associated with tigers (animals)

Please note that metaphors are associated with cultures.
Thailand --- This work is a banana for you.
England - It's a piece of cake.
Something easy or simple

2. Similes

A simile is an indirect comparison. You compare A's quality with others.

Ex. Susan is kind. She is also elegant. She looks like an angel.

Ex. Helen acts more like a man than a woman. Is she a lesbian?

Onomatopoeia and Acrostics

Onomatopoeia & Acrostics

What is onomatopoeia in poetry? Give an example to support your answer.
Onomatopoeia is word that mimics the sound of the object or action it refers to. When you pronounce a word, it will mimic its sound. 


Boom-The boom of the fireworks scared the baby.
Bark-Bark! Bark! The dog woke me up.

What is an acrostic poem? Give an example to support your answer.

M    ust be
A     lways
N     aughty

What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?
The clouds sailed across the sky.

She looks like an angel.

What is a stanza? Explain and give an example. : a group of lines of poetry forming a unit. 
Ex. I did but see you passing by
But I shall love you till I die.
What is a quatrain?
A quatrain is a verse with four lines.
I lay staring up at the sky,
Not a cloud in sight,
Then a pig flew right on by,
And gave me a fright.

What is a couplet?

Haiku – Can you write a haiku poem?

Chemical Ban Coming Soon

It is expected, highly so. Please make it happen. Thanks.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ban Ruan Thai Resort, Musk Lek, Thailand

A Journey, Life and Experience

A Journey, Life and Experience

Janpha Thadphoothon

"Life is a journey" - may sound ordinary and  a bit like a cliche for many, but the saying itself is true to its core against criticisms and accusations of.being somewhat mundane. Life is full of trips and journeys, ups and downs,  relation and depression, happiness and bewilderment, twists and turns, and uncertainties.

First of all, you need to begin. Make it happen by yourself. Remember what Lao Tzu has said?

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Taking a journey is easy if you make it so.  If you can't afford a plane, take a train. If you can't take a car, take public transportation or slow trains. In short, take whatever forms most suitable for you. Walking is one of them,

I, once, was told a story of a Thai man travelling in and around Thailand with his old bicycle. He is not even an important or well-known person, just an ordinary bloke, who dared following his dream and passion. There was a story of a guy from India who was on his bicycle to Europe to find his true love. The story captures our dream and imagination. I guess everybody desires to make a journey of his or her life.

Life is a journey.
It is what you make of it
This is a big world.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Reading, Meditations, and Distractions

Reading, Meditations, and Distractions

By Janpha Thadphoothon

First and foremost, I should like to let you have this knowledge --- that is that - this writing is a dash of thought, or rather, a premeditation stage of development. Any good theory or concept must began somewhere with some distractions, and those distractions may add to one's motivation to get something done. Nowadays, with the aid of computing technologies, it certainly can be done with more convenience. Moreover, the publication or making it known to the general public is much greater than what our predecessors could do in the past.

This is exactly what this blog is all about. Reading involves distractions, a series of interruptions , you might have experienced them. certainly, if you do your writing, or rather keyboarding, you need a location, sometimes, in the middle of the bush or garden. Many bloggers prefer somewhere nice and quiet with a cup of coffee, snacks, and of course, mosquitoes or bugs.  On the plus side, if you do it in the early morning , say 4.30 a.m., you are more likely to have a chance to appreciate singing birds. Birds do love to wake up in the morning and they make sounds, pleasing ones, too.

We should welcome all sorts of distractions. Writing comes as a result of all things happening. It's hard to disable one's own mind from the writing equation. The greatest distraction is one's own mind, actually. Concentration is needed to actually accomplish anything significant. Mind you that this piece, if you can it that way, is not that significant. As I mentioned n, it's just a moment of thought.

My thesis here is this: In Reading, Meditations, and Distractions - being distracted is an essential and inseparable component of writing and meditations. Our minds, to start with, are wanderers or seekers. It's hard to recognize the mind surrounded by feelings and emotions. Meditated individuals are constantly distracted by their own thoughts.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Active Learning: A Workshop in October 2019

Active Learning: A Workshop in October 2019

Facilitated by Professor Hayo Reinders
Head of Education
Unitec, Auckland
New Zealand

Date: 1 October 2019
Venue: Maker Space at DPU, Bangkok, Thailand

His talk on that day was on 'active learning'. 
He presented altogether TEN rules for making active learning a reality.

"Do something, It's better than doing nothing." 

His talk, workshop, lasted for 90 minutes,  centered around the notion of active learning.

He suggested 10 rules, rather 10 principles.  Ten rules for us to encourage active interaction.

How to make students an active learner do I know what would engage my students - active activities

1. One way is to listen to them stories

Students love stories, traditionally

Story-telling works because students love to listen to good stories.

You may wonder what I am doing here.  I am a workshop participant., aiming to learn about active instruction.

2. Create an environment of trust

What should we do to create such an environment? Lots of research - rapport

3. Slow and Steady

What is your plan? Be consistence. Know your learners.

4. Recognize all types of interaction

I can speak very much without being engaged.
Critical listening is important.

How to engage the rest of the class - possible manifestations of active learning

5. Give learners agency

Agency = responsibility, ability to achieve things, to feel achieved
Like for example, give them ability to publish their research works

What do you do to let them affect events? You need agencies.

One may ask what agency is. Agency refers to " the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices."

By contrast, "structure is those factors of influence (such as social class, religion, gender, ethnicity, ability, customs, etc.) that determine or limit an agent and their decisions."

Freedom has limitations.

This learner to develop more agency (autonomy)
8 stages to be autonomous 
- setting goals
- Plan your learning 
(I could only remember TWO of them)

6. Responsibilities / Accountability

Care about my learning

7. Teach them interaction strategies

Students may not know how to negotiate for meaning.

Encourage mistakes

Learning ecology
In class, just one of the opportunity, 
Here is not actually a new concept....Ecology

Opportunities for students to practice skills.
Giving students tasks.
Turning on and off the subtitles.

Out of Class Language Learning (OCLL)

- linking with interface classroom interaction
- How to document and acknowledge these OCLL units

8. Could not remember what was presented.

9. Could not remember what he said

10. Extended the classroom

I have learned a few more things:

1. Agency  how to put it into practice

2. Ecology and OCLL - how to incorporate that into in-class instruction

OCLL can be formal, semi-formal, or informal
Students learn MOOC, online lessons, --- evidence

Turn them into active learning, homework should be structures.
Come back to the class and justify your topic of choice.

You need to structure your task, structure, and assessment.


Ten rules
Each rule should cover these two points:

- Evaluation

- What's Next

How to make sure that your classroom is effective?


Digital storytelling - sharing, multi-media
In an attempt to create participation and agency

My personal mission on this - to link students' agency development and Service Learning

This is what I plan to investigate.


Profile of Prof Hayo Reinders

Reinders, H., & Benson, P. (2017). Research agenda: Language learning beyond the classroom. Language Teaching (Vol. 50(4)).

AI as a Tool for Academic Writing: Opportunities and Challenges

AI in Academic Writing: Challenges and Opportunities By Janpha Thadphoothon We academics are constantly debating—and, let's be honest, ...