Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Metaphors and Similes

Metaphors and Similes are common in language use under; they fall  the umbrella called 'Figurative Language'

Figurative language is the language whose meaning needs interpretation and another layer of association.

1. Metaphors

A metaphor has become a word with mental picture. A simile stops short of entering the point of no return.

Ex. The clouds sailed (normally sailing is associated with sailboats)  across the sky.

Ex. Tim is a tiger. (Tim = Tiger) - Tim has the qualities associated with tigers (animals)

Please note that metaphors are associated with cultures.
Thailand --- This work is a banana for you.
England - It's a piece of cake.
Something easy or simple

2. Similes

A simile is an indirect comparison. You compare A's quality with others.

Ex. Susan is kind. She is also elegant. She looks like an angel.

Ex. Helen acts more like a man than a woman. Is she a lesbian?

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