Sunday, January 5, 2020

What I have been Taught in CW workshops

Yet, over the years, these words still echoing in my mind.
They have found me and haunted me, perhaps till the day I die.

-          Creativity could strike you at any moment, so get ready.
-          We call this ‘evanescence’ – it would vanish unless you jot it down.
-          Write down everything that has come to you mind. Never throw away your notes.
-          They may come handy.

-          Notice things more intensely than you would normally do – sharpen your eyes!

-          Working with the constraints – creative writing is writing with constraints!
-          You can polish it later. These words are from who?
-          Avoid sentimentality. I will give you pains.

-          Avoid facile rhymes
-          Avoid self-consciously ‘poetic vocab and syntax’
-          Don’t just let it all hang out
-          Avoid flaccid language
-          You can’t edit a blank page.
-          Let’s set the deadline!

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