Friday, August 28, 2020

Test 12355

 <iframe height="430" width="350" src=""></iframe>

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Digital Disruption and Digital Transformation

 Digital Disruption and Digital Transformation

 Pre-programme Information Webinar - BY Judge Business School: Executive Education, Cambridge University

Hi. I am Janpha Thadphoothon, a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts, Dhurakij Pundit University in Bangkok, Thailand

Aim: To fine out two things :
1. What is DD and DT?
2. Why is it important for us educators?
3. The program - a diploma or certificate

Friday, August 21, 2020

Matthew Cobb (2020) on Brain

 Cobb, M. (2020, August 13). Our Quest to Understand the Brain: Q & A [Video file]. Retrieved from

According to Cobb (2020), the brain has the potential to organize itself. It's like plastic.

most of our understanding of the brain and how it works is our study on human visions. Humans are very visual beings.

Talking about this and that can help 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Why being a polyglot could broaden your perspective

A polyglot is a person speaking several languages - more than two. His or her brain structure and complexity may be different from most monoglot or a person speaking only a single language.

Scientists have been searching to find an answer to this question - Are their brains structurally different?

First and foremost, I a not a brain scientist, but consider myself a polyglot. I speak Thai, English, some Japanese, Khmer, Lao, and some Burmese. For example:

I am a teacher.  English
私は教師です。 Japanese
ฉันเป็นครู - Thai
ຂ້ອຍເປັນຄູ. - Lao
ខ្ញុំ​ជា​គ្រូ​ - Khmer
ကျွန်တော်ကဆရာပါ။ - Burmese (Myanmar)

From the six sentences in six different languages presented above. I can read and understand all of them.
I can also see their patterns and understand the subjects and the key noun - teacher. I can notice that the word teacher in three languages - Thai, Lao, and Khmer - is very similar, if not identical, a derivative of the Pali language of northern India.

Several scientists or researchers have been trying to look into the brains of many bilinguals (which are basically not poly clots). They published some papers on their brains' structure.

To date, however, I am still not convinced that polyglots and monoglot or biglots (people speaking two languages) have essentially different brains.

My theory is more of a social environment and motivations. 

Hayakawa, S., Marian, V., Lam, T.Q, and Schroeder, S.R. (2018). Language Experience Changes Audiovisual Perception in Brain Sciences, 8(85), pp. 1-14.

Multilingualism/Bilingualism (Being able to speak many languages - at least two) could delay the effects of Alzheimer’s disease in older adults.

Claims based on these two studies:

Bialystok, E.; Craik, F.I.M.; Freedman, M. Bilingualism as a protection against the onset of symptoms of
dementia. Neuropsychologia 2007, 45, 459–464.

Alladi, S.; Bak, T.H.; Duggirala, V.; Surampudi, B.; Shailaja, M.; Shukla, A.K.; Chaudhuri, J.R.; Kaul, S.Bilingualism delays age at onset of dementia, independent of education and immigration status.
Neurology 2013, 81, 1938–1944.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How to Create a FAQ Page

 A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page contains a list of questions and answers pertaining to a particular topic. So, let's try to create one for our website.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Story Behind the Birth of Java

 The Story of  Java

Janpha Thadphoothon

First and foremost, I am not a computer scientist. Neither am I a programmer. I am an ELT teacher. I teach English to non-native speakers of English. And my name's Janpha. Janpha Thadphoothon is my name.

Every language has its own story and the people behind that particular language. There are stories within stories. In this short article, I tell you one story behind one of the most popular programming languages - JAVA.

It started out in Indonesia, on the island called JAVA. That's why it is called Java. There were two guys doing something in Indonesia. I was not told what they did during that time. How many years ago? Not sure, but must be at least 30 years.  

I don't know their names, but they are Europeans doing something in Southeast Asia.  They were on Java, the most populous island in Indonesia.

I weer discussing ways to do some programming. We could assume that they were computer engineers or IT people. They must have learned or mastered some Sssemply languages like C or C++. 

The story of Java is a product of a duo. They were having coffee as they were writing or systematizing the coding system. This explains why the coffee cup is being used as the logo of Java.

I myself have been to Java and the coffee over there was great. 

Java At Present

Java belongs to Oracle:

Java is the #1 programming language and development platform. It reduces costs, shortens development timeframes, drives innovation, and improves application services. With millions of developers running more than 45 billion Java Virtual Machines worldwide, Java continues to be the development platform of choice for enterprises and developers.


Oracle Java. From

How to learn to code (quickly and easily!)

Java Programming

Learn Java in 14 Minutes (seriously)

Sunday, August 2, 2020

How to Cite Facebook Status Updates Using the APA Style

How to Cite Facebook Status Updates Using the APA Style

By Janpha Thadphoothon

In the modern world, especially the digital world, what we often encounter is the information from social media platforms, e.g. Facebook. 

Many times, we as researchers would like to cite 'data or information' from FB status updates. There are two ways to do it:

1. In some situations, online communication can be done on a person-to-person basis. Here we can cite it as 'personal communication' - This can be done easily. In the APA style, personal communication is any source that is not publicly accessible ( e.g. email correspondence). Personal communications are cited in the text, but not included in the reference list.


Janpha Thadphoothon(personal communication, July 5, 2020) also claimed that many of his students had difficulties paraphrasing passive voice sentences. 

2. Cite the status update using the APA style - This is useful for us. The structure is simple .

First name Last name. (Year, Month Date). Status update text [Facebook update]. Retrieved from URL.


Janpha Thadphoothon. (2020, July 11). Like reading, writing alters space and time. [Facebook update]. Retrieved from

In-text citation: (Thadphoothon, 2020). 

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT): Overview

  Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT): Overview Compiled by Janpha Thadphoothon Please be informed that the text below is an AI-assis...