Thursday, October 29, 2020

The EL 376 2020 Service Learning Project OR โครงการ พี่สอนน้อง 2020

The EL 376 2020 Service Learning Project

 โครงการพี่สอนน้อง 2020

The EL 376 2020 Service Learning Project is a part of the course titled EL 376 Introduction to English Language Teaching.

โครงการพี่สอนน้อง 2020 นี้เปิดโอกาสให้นักศึกษาที่ลงทะเบียนเรียนวิชาการสอนภาษาอังกฤษเบื้องต้น Introduction to English Language Teaching (EL376) ได้เพิ่มพูนประสบการณ์ด้านการสอนภาษาอังกฤษ โดยลงมือปฏิบัติการสอนจริง เป็นการสอนโดยผ่านการจัดกิจกรรมการเรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษ(Activity-based Instruction) ให้กับนักเรียนโรงเรียนวัดปรมัยยิกาวาส อำเภอปากเกร็ด จังหวัดนนทบุรี 

จากการสำรวจพื้นที่เบื้องต้นพบว่านักเรียนส่วนใหญ่ต้องการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษเพิ่มเติมโดยผ่านกิจกรรมที่น่าสนใจ สนุกสนานและเป็นกันเอง ดังนั้นโครงการบริการวิชาการนี้จึงเหมาะสำหรับกลุ่มเป้าหมายดังกล่าว เนื่องจากการเรียนการสอนโดยนักศึกษาจะเน้นการสอนในรูปแบบสร้างสรรค์ เป็นกันเอง และเน้นการแสดงออกและลงมือปฏิบัติ

We went to the school on two occasions:

1. In August 2020, we sent a team to initiate the first contact with the school, asking for cooperation in the service-learning project.

2. October 27th - inside the school running the activities

Most students taking the course participated in the service-learning activity.

We had lunch on the island after the activity.

The students (Grades 4-5-, and 6 -- 30 students) participated in the project. They enjoyed the activities very much. They found the activities (COVID-19) vocabulary fun and useful.

The director of the school and Kru Jeab welcomed us along with several school teachers.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

EL 334 Webinar - The Future of Work

The Future of Work - A Free Webinar

“The Future of Work “ is a theme of a free webinar organized by a group of DPU students taking a course titled Business Discussions EL334. The event is under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Janpha Thadphoothon, the course instructor. Do you know what a webinar is? A webinar is an alternative to face-to-face meetings. We would like to experiment with this Zoom meeting platform – known as ‘webinar. At the same time, students are given opportunities to present their surveys.

This is our first webinar. In addition to survey presentations of the students, we also have six speakers in the panel. The aims are to (1) discuss the new challenges for job seekers in the near future, (2) to offer advice to new graduates in particular on how to prepare themselves for the new normal, and (3) to provide a forum for the students to practice their business English skills.

The program in a video format:


Monday, October 26th, 2020, Time 2.30-4.00 PM (Bangkok Time)


We now stand on the edge of a new era that will bring change to our world. We have to adapt to changing political and environmental situations. Our webinar addresses issues of work in the future. What skills and knowledge will be required? What kinds of jobs will be available for new graduates? How best should we prepare for the new challenge? There are many issues and challenges ahead of us - everybody, not just for the soon-to-graduate students. The webinar is a timely one in terms of its theme. 


We have invited five speakers. The keynote speaker is Dr Richard Hames.

1. Richard Hames – Keynote Speaker

Pic shows Dr. Richard Hames, who introduced a program called Strategic Navigation into the ATO to replace their lethargic. 10 March 2005. The Age SMH. Pic by EDDIE JIM/ejz050310.003.002

2. Samson Leong

Mr. Samson Leong is a lecturer at IFT teaching Economics. His research interests include tourist behavior and labor productivity in the service sector.

Samson Leong, Lecturer, Institute for Tourism Studies Macau.

3. Ms Warisra Ruangtinnakorn, Norway

4. Ms Leelavadee Phirom, Denver, Corolado, USA

5. Mr. Ryan Sarfan

6. Lattapol Sae-Aue

Assistant Managing Director
Mastertech International Co., Ltd.

Bangkok, Thailand

Program – Outline of the Webinar

  1. Introduction + Opening Remark

2. Students’ Presentations – Surveys

3. Keynote Address by Dr Ricard David Hames

  • Samson Leong
  • Ryan Sarfan
  • Warisra Ruangtinnakorn
  • Leelavadee Phirom
  • Lattapol Sae-Aue

4. Panel Discussion + Qs and As

5. Closure

Registration Page

Or Here

Monday, October 12, 2020

Online (E-Book) Reading VS Printed Book Reading

 On October 12th, 2020, starting from 11:19:19, during a ZOOM lecture, I asked a group of students about their preferences of reading modes, online versus printed book reading. Here are their answers:

At 12:07, I posted these questions: Which do you prefer, reading a paper book or reading on a screen? Why?

Suppunyu Suvinaiwongsa : On a screen

Kun Pich Chornay (Bee) : I prefer to read on a screen because we need to reduce using paper. It is more environmentally friendly. It is to help the world.

Phatsawit Tiawilai : Books... because we can take notes on the book and we can touch and feel the paper.

Chen Wentao: I prefer reading on the screen. It offers us sounds and pictures. It's more vivid

It will not pollute the environment. The preservation of books is more simple, easy to store, and does not take up space. After making and uploading, there is no need to print and save resources

Warintorn : Warintorn 601310030028 I prefer to read a paper book cuz it good for my eye  and i like the smell

Wenli Yang (Lily) : I prefer to reading a paper book. Because paper books are more primitive, we can read it again and again. Paper books can make us feel the charm of words more than reading on the screen.

Ranutsawal Sukthai : I prefer book because we can note or summarize what you’ve said. I like the traditional way to studying.

Ling Zhipeng : I prefer reading on screen.because taking a book is not convenient.

Jothika Yoojuie : I prefer reading on screen because I don't need to carry heavy books 

Suphawadee Kunsutthichai : I prefer reading the book because the book is more enticing to read.

Rosanan Promkon : I prefer a book because I like to write in the book.

Jingyao Li: I prefer reading on screen because I want to protect our environment.

Natcha Sookluan: I prefer to read a printed book because it is easy to skim quickly. It is easier to skim a real book than an ebook. Going back and forth in a printed book is much faster as compared to that of an ebook reader. And also I can share a book with my friends or others.

Those are the preferences and opinions of some students. Some prefer doing it on screen. Others prefer printed books. What about you? 

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT): Overview

  Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT): Overview Compiled by Janpha Thadphoothon Please be informed that the text below is an AI-assis...