Monday, October 12, 2020

Online (E-Book) Reading VS Printed Book Reading

 On October 12th, 2020, starting from 11:19:19, during a ZOOM lecture, I asked a group of students about their preferences of reading modes, online versus printed book reading. Here are their answers:

At 12:07, I posted these questions: Which do you prefer, reading a paper book or reading on a screen? Why?

Suppunyu Suvinaiwongsa : On a screen

Kun Pich Chornay (Bee) : I prefer to read on a screen because we need to reduce using paper. It is more environmentally friendly. It is to help the world.

Phatsawit Tiawilai : Books... because we can take notes on the book and we can touch and feel the paper.

Chen Wentao: I prefer reading on the screen. It offers us sounds and pictures. It's more vivid

It will not pollute the environment. The preservation of books is more simple, easy to store, and does not take up space. After making and uploading, there is no need to print and save resources

Warintorn : Warintorn 601310030028 I prefer to read a paper book cuz it good for my eye  and i like the smell

Wenli Yang (Lily) : I prefer to reading a paper book. Because paper books are more primitive, we can read it again and again. Paper books can make us feel the charm of words more than reading on the screen.

Ranutsawal Sukthai : I prefer book because we can note or summarize what you’ve said. I like the traditional way to studying.

Ling Zhipeng : I prefer reading on screen.because taking a book is not convenient.

Jothika Yoojuie : I prefer reading on screen because I don't need to carry heavy books 

Suphawadee Kunsutthichai : I prefer reading the book because the book is more enticing to read.

Rosanan Promkon : I prefer a book because I like to write in the book.

Jingyao Li: I prefer reading on screen because I want to protect our environment.

Natcha Sookluan: I prefer to read a printed book because it is easy to skim quickly. It is easier to skim a real book than an ebook. Going back and forth in a printed book is much faster as compared to that of an ebook reader. And also I can share a book with my friends or others.

Those are the preferences and opinions of some students. Some prefer doing it on screen. Others prefer printed books. What about you? 

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