Friday, June 18, 2021

Q&A with Ryan Baker | Digital education for a strong recovery

Associate Professor Ryan Baker of the University of Pennsylvania

" but now expanding to other ones and building intelligent tutor capacities Moocs
as a you know MOOCs um have really not taken full advantage of the
opportunities of modern technology and modern artificial intelligence "

"Often, there are videos and there are quizzes and there's a discussion forum"

"but in my course what happens is that students

do assignments where they learn to do complex programming tasks

in a system where.... as they go  ... it looks at the errors, they make"

Note:  This session will allow discussing the big questions of digital technology in education with the scientific advisor and co-author of the publication “Digital Education Outlook”, Associate Professor Ryan Baker of the University of Pennsylvania 

"Creativity is hard. Experts disagree on definitions." 

Please cite as:

 Ref: Baker, R. [EduSkills OECD]. (2021, June 16). Q&A with Ryan Baker | Digital education for a strong recovery [Video]. YouTube.

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