Saturday, October 30, 2021

ELT 3.0: A Proposed Intellectual Framework

 ELT 3.0: A Proposed Intellectual Framework

This intellectual framework has been proposed by Janpha Thadphoothon. The framework explains the development of English language teaching and learning based primarily on the use of technology.

The term ELT 3.0 is coined based on Max Tegmark’s book Life 3.0 (2017)., arguing for the integration of computers into foreign language education.

ELT teachers, under ELT 3.0, are to be equipped with two main roles. Lee and Qiufan (2021) suggest two roles for teachers: (1) they can be human mentors and connectors (2) they can program AI teacher and companions.

Lee, Kai Fu and Qiufan, Chen (2021). AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future. New York: Currency.

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