Friday, July 29, 2016

English Performance of Thai Students

English Performance of Thai Students

Janpha Thadphoothon

Here are some evidence showing that Thai students have not been performing well in English.

Based on the 2015 O-NET results:

Grade 12 students (Secondary Level 6) in general performed poorly. The result of the English test was the most disappointing. It was the lowest mean score obtained by Thai (Grade 12) students (Mean = 24.98), out of the maximum score of 100. 

For Grade 9 students: (2015)
English examination:  656 701 students took the English test. The average score was 30.62 (out of 100).

For Grade 6 students:
English examination:  716 780 took the test. The average score was 40.31 (out of 100).

One of the reason is the fact that the results of the tests are meaningless to the students.


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