Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Happy School Video Contest by UNESCO

Dear Educators and Teachers
Dear colleagues and friends,

UNESCO Bangkok is extending the Happy Schools Video Contest, and we’ll be accepting submissions until June 30

We’re looking for students, teachers, parents, designers, photographers, and anyone in the Asia-Pacific region to send us a video of their “Happy School” and to promote happiness and well-being in the Asia-Pacific.  Winners will win a trip to Bangkok to promote their video at an upcoming UNESCO event!

This video contest seeks to capture actions, moments and ideas that showcase and promote happiness in schools and learner well-being. The video contest will continue to be announced on our social media accounts (@UNESCO_AsiaPac on Twitter and Help us spread the message by sharing on your social media channels and/or by sharing from our pages. Feel free to forward this email to your colleagues, friends and family.

For more information about the Happy Schools Project, please visit our website<>. You can also access the 2016 publication Happy Schools: A Framework for Learner Well-Being in Asia-Pacific here<>.

Why: Help promote happiness and learner well-being in schools throughout Asia-Pacific (and a chance to win a trip to Bangkok!)
When: Send us your video NOW!
Where to enter: Please enter the contest on our website
 ·       Rules and information are also attached in pdf format.

Thank you,
Happy Schools! @ UNESCO Bangkok

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