Tuesday, June 25, 2019

International Schools in Thailand

In 2016, Thailand had 175 international schools, 2 in 3 were in BKK.


ICCTAR 2019, Melaka, Malaysia


(ICCTAR 2019)


Monday, June 24, 2019

Why I Love Phuket by Janpha Thadphoothon

Problem-based Learning (PBL)

Problem-based Learning (PBL) as a means to develop students' skills and critical thinking 

By Janpha Thadphoothon

Problems / real-life problems are everywhere and we can use them to enhance students' learning and skills.

How to define and prepare 'problems' as educational opportunities

Interaction Matters- Interactive Activities

using Interactive Activities to Promote Students' Speaking Skills

By Janpha Thadphoothon

Naturally, the more you interact with other people, the better your oral skills will be. Face-to-face  interaction can be done in a variety of ways: role playing, Qs and As, Drama activities, and maybe interaction with chat bots.

In practice, asking students to work in groups would allow them to interact more and consequently practice more.

"The Interaction hypothesis is a theory of second-language acquisition which states that the development of language proficiency is promoted by face-to-face interaction and communication. "

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interaction_hypothesis

 Long, Michael (1985). "Input and Second Language Acquisition Theory". In Gass, Susan; Madden, Carolyn (eds.). Input in second language acquisition. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House. pp. 377–393. ISBN 978-0-88377-284-3.

Long, Michael (1996). "The role of the linguistic environment in second language acquisition". In Ritchie, William; Bhatia, Tej (eds.). Handbook of second language acquisition. San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 413–468. ISBN 978-0-12-589042-7.

Ethical Issues in Research with Humans as Subjects

Ethical Issues in Research with Humans as Subjects

Janpha Thadphoothon, Reporter

June 24th, 2019

DPU help a one-day long training for its staff on the ethical issues related to studies involving humans.

The expert is

Slides are available

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Many Pictures, One Story - Phuket

Many Pictures, One Story - Phuket

“Why I Love Phuket”

By Janpha Thadphoothon

The Road map Square

Have you been to Phuket? It’s a very beautiful island in the south of Thailand. Phuket is known as the Pearl of
the Andaman. I have been to Phuket and I love it. There are three reasons why I love Phuket.

Map of Phuket

Firstly, Phuket has a lot of beautiful beaches. The sea water is clean and clear.

Phuket has lots of beautiful beaches.

Secondly, Phuket has a lot of good food. The food is not too expensive. You can try foods from all over the world here.

Phuket has great food.

Thirdly, the people in Phuket are friendly. They welcome visitors and ready to help you. 

People in Phuket are friendly.

Phuket is a beautiful place to visit. I’m happy when I visit Phuket. Why not book your flight now? Pack your luggage and come now to Phuket. See you soon.

My video

One Picture-One Sentence

One Picture-One Sentence

Friendship is forever.



Friday, June 21, 2019

Thursday, June 20, 2019

"The Stuff of Thought" By Steven Pinker (2007)

Meeting at Paisari School, Bang Khen School, BKK, Thailand

Mentoring Program Meeting at Paisari School, Bang Khen School, BKK, Thailand

Date: 20 June 2019, Time 13.00 -

Attendees were:

1. Prof Dr Paitoon Sinlarat
2. Director
3. Academic Affairs
6. Dr Janpha Thadphoothon

Figure 1: Participants of the meeting

1. Media, Instructional Media - to help make instruction more successful
Discussing issues of use of media, to make instruction livelier

Purposes - media to make students' think and learn new technologies
Narrow down the scope of media - more specific

How many students have difficulties reading Thai?

To do: Media to do the following:

1. Reading and Writing - Media
2. Thinking skills (Analytical, Creative, Problem-solving, Responsible)

Topics for Workshops

- Principles of Media / Educational Media Principles
- Thinking skills - to help Ss think more
-  How to teach so that Ss think more.....which media (characteristics ) - learning areas
- Media creation

Persons - DPU shall provide:
1. Media Expert
2. Thinking skills

Professional Learning Community - small groups

1. Examples of media
- Films
- Games
- Exercises
- Manuals

These media are to be created by groups of teachers

Then put into practice as an experiment (Trial Period)


Last week until the end of September 2019
July - August
25 July 2019 ?

July - Training ---- Testing - August

Target teachers

Teachers = 30
Six groups 4-5-6 per group

Thai Language 1
Kindergarten 1

Teachers choose their own team members

Students -- about 650

Kindergarten 1
Kindergarten 2
Kindergarten 3

Primary 1
Primary 2
Primary 3
Primary 4
Primary 5
Primary 6

Extended Program

Secondary 1
Secondary 2
Secondary 3

Figure 2: Students

โครงการส่งเสริมและสนับสนุนให้นักเรียนสร้างสรรค์ผลงานเพื่อการเรียนรู้ -

Name of the Project
โครงการพัฒนาการผลิตสื่อสร้างสรรค์เพื่อพัฒนาการอ่าน และ การคิดวิเคราะห์
Development of Instructional Media for the Development of Reading and Thinking Skills

Bench-marking Criteria

1. Reading abilities of  Ss / to fix the problems
2.  To promote subject learning
3. To promote CT thinking skills

Figure 3: View from the front

AIS, DTAC, and True Bought Thai Govt 700 MHz Licences

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Review of the Subjects (Tuan Sob)

To be done in July, 2019

- Course Syllabus
- Projects / Assignments
- Tests / Exams

Checking the works and exam questions plus criteria against the objectives of the course...

Twenty-first century skills Development

Twenty-First Century Skills Development

In the academic year 2018,  the students under the Business English Program underwent the skills development.

- Taxi-project (EN 238)
Students participated in the taxi project. They worked in small groups. This developed their team skills.

- English Camp (EN 390)

Time was not enough to do the project 
- Online communication

Done with the reports. As expected, the students were given opportunities to develop themselves in many aspects, including teamwork skills and critical thinking skills.

Must-Read One --- On Thin Ice by Cherry Adair

It is a romantic adventure.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019



1.  Grammar Points I Find Not Easy

Direct Access Here

Findings --- Here


"Horse" in Chinese, Burmese, and Thai

Similarities of the word 'Horse' in three languages: Chinese, Thai, and Burmese

Photo credit: https://www.horsejournals.com/blogs/jec-ballou/score-your-horses-body-posture

Chinese ---- 马 pronounced Mǎ = Horse

Burmese ----- မြင်း Ming = Horse

Thai ---------- ม้า (Ma) =  Horse 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Words in Wellness Links

1. Overall


2. Excel File 



3. Paper Title / Abstract

A Functional Analysis of Expressions Commonly Used Among Foreign Customers in their Visits to Spa and Wellness Centers in Thailand


Aim - to investigate the common language functions commonly used by foreigners

Data collection and sample
This research methodology was a qualitative method using purposive sampling to target spa managers and supervisors in Thailand. The aim was to investigate the language used by foreign customers and communication patterns (functions). This study investigated the responses of those managers to three questions during the period of 1 June to 15 June 2019,

There were 300 responses.
For the research purposes, the researcher considered types of contents that  were posted on the onliner system (mentimeter) and communication patterns created by the administrators .
Using coding sheet as a tool for contents analysis, the researchers created a categorized table, classifying types of content and communication patterns / functions.


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Would you like to be a cabin crew member?

Where is grammar in our brain?

Where is grammar in our brain?

Janpha Thadphoothon Ed D

Grammar is a set of rules or agreements, often in a language. For example, we talk about having to know English grammar.

Photo credit: NIH publication 97-4257, https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/aphasia 

Grammar is not a thing. Scientists will tell you that our ability or language ability is determined by neuron activities of our  brain.

Noam Chomsky postulates the so-called UG theory - Universal Grammar. He simply says that every individual language has similar limitations, Summing them up drawing the conclusion would leave use some simple structures e.g. every language has nouns and verbs.

Prior to UG, people back then believed that each language had its own grammar and they were not related to one another. Related to UG is another hypothesis, that is, LAD, or language acquisition device. This should be interpreted as human innate capacity, the ability to acquire language without conscious learning.

Learning about Generalization and Stereotypes

Cross-Cultural Communication Cross-Cultural Communication English ...