Friday, August 16, 2019

On the Theory of Positive Disintegration

The Theory of Positive Disintegration

There are more theories on human personalities and behavior, including their cognition and emotion. One of the theories is called the disintegration theory. Basically, you are a being capable of reinventing yourself. Similar to a super-human theory, Dabrowsky said that only some humans were capable of reaching their fun potentials of self-actualization.

At the very onset of this discussion, one should heed what Mother Teresa has said: "Personality is not important', it's what you do.

According to the of Positive Disintegration proposed by Kzimierz Dabrowski, there are 5  levels (not stages) of personality growth.

You may agree or disagree with his ideas or explanations, but you should listen to what he has said about personal development and society.


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