Friday, August 27, 2021

Book Talk Assignment

Book Talk 

For your Book Talk, you will give one 3 minute presentation on a non-fiction book you’ve read. The

purpose of a book talk is to convince the listener to read the book you are recommending. This book

talk is essentially a persuasive speech to convince the listener that they should read a specific book.

Presentation Outline:

Attention getter:

Find an interesting, exciting, or mysterious quote to start off your presentation. This quote will get the

reader’s attention. Don’t just pick any old quote… choose carefully and deliberately to try to capture

the attention of the audience. Also explain why you chose the quote.


Clearly introduce your book by giving the title, author and genre of the book, including details.



Without giving away the ending, convince the reader that you loved this book and that this is the book

they want to read next. Make some predictions about what kind of student would enjoy this book (“if

you like…, you’ll love…”).


Practice your presentation a few times before you present. Time yourself. Use note-cards or an outline.

This will prevent nerves.

Alternative: Students can pre-record a book-talk and upload it to All other requirements

are the same.  

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