Saturday, September 4, 2021

Summary of EL 376 Intro to ELT

 Summary of EL 376 Intro to ELT

Last updated 4 Sept 2021

1.       Assessment - Reliability in testing? What is validity in testing? Practicality

Tests should be reliable, valid, and practical.

2.       The OLE model.

(Curriculum & Syllabus) Objectives – Learning - Evaluation

3.       What is a curriculum? What is a syllabus?

A curriculum is a program. A Syllabus is an outline of a course.

4.       What is the ABCD principle of writing behavioral objectives? Given an example.

By the end of the session (Condition), the students (Audience)

should be able to name (Behavior) at least 8 (Degree) members of ASEAN.


5.       What is a lesson plan? A detailed description and outline of what to teach

What are the typical sections (parts or stages) in a lesson plan?

-          Warmup

-          Introduction

-          Presentation

-          Practice

-          Evaluation

-          Extension (Close)



6.       What is ELT? ESL / EFL (Not in the Final exam)

7.       ELT theories (Not in the Final Exa)

a.       Semantic theory

b.       Sociocultural theory

c.       Universal grammar

d.       Input hypothesis

e.       Critical Period Hypothesis

f.        Interaction Hypothesis

g.       Output hypothesis

h.       Noticing hypothesis

i.         Memory and SLA


8.       ELT Methods – What is a method?

Grammar-Translation Method

The Direct Method

Audio-lingual Method (ALM)

The Silent Way


Community Language Learning

Total Physical Response (TPR)

Communicative Language Teaching

9.       Instructional Media – Criteria for choosing / Production of Why?

a.       Use of technology (Social media)

Digital media

Traditional media – posters / flashcards


10.   Language Learning Strategies




Compensatory (Body, Pictures)

Cognitive (Rules)

Affective (feelings)

11.   Language Learning styles (VAK)

12.   Motivations (Internal VS External) – Concept of Autonomy

13.   Attitudes (Positive – Neutral – Negative)

14.   Ethics for ELT teachers – Love what you are doing / Work Hard, professional Development


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