Friday, June 10, 2016


The NLD and ASEAN 

 Janpha Thadphoothon

This article discusses the stance of the NLD-led government of Myanmar on ASEAN. After forming the new government headed by President U Htin Kyaw, the media and critics have put a spotlight on the NLD's perception of ASEAN as a bloc, at the implicit level.

As we know, the National League for Democracy (NLD) and Asean have had a somewhat unusual relationship. During its lengthy struggles, NLD members must have felt that they received little or nor support / attention from other Asean leaders. ASEAN, on the other hand, has its policy not to intervene with internal matters of its members, hailed as one of the ASEAN ways.

                              Photo credit: youtube

This historical reality somehow makes the media and critics skeptical about the foreign policy of Nay Pyi Taw toward and on ASEAN. This skepticism expands to its stance of China, as it seems that Nay Pyi Taw is forming a cordial and intimate relationship with the West (as discussed by Than Tha Aung.

Than Tha Aung has noted that "Nowhere to be found is the term 'Asean' under the NLD's manifesto or in the first policy brief."

To be fair, the new government has followed the Asean tradition of making it a priority to visit other Asean neighbors. A few weeks ago, it made a visit to Laos. This moth it is coming to Thailand.


Chongkittavorn, Kavi,  The Nation (March 21, 2016 ). "NLD-led Myanmar’s upcoming challenges"

Than Tha Aung (10 June 2016). Bangkok Post. "New Govt Should Not Disregard ASEAN"

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