Tuesday, February 23, 2021

My Favorite Quote (2021)

                                  My Favorite Quote (2021)

I’ve been reading The Last Train to Zona Verde by Paul Theroux for two weeks. So far, it has given me great joy. It is a delightful book, indeed. This is one of my favorite quotes:

     “Time is a factor in travel, one of the most crucial, though it didn’t matter when I first     started traveling as a youth, and later as a middle-aged man: I believed I had all the     time in the world then. My travel was open-ended.”

Theroux (2013, p. 349)

I like the quotation very much. I agree with what the author has said. Indeed, time is important in travel. In fact, time is the most important thing in life. Time is not for us but we are part of time and space. When I was young, time was on my side. I felt like I had all the time in the world. As we are getting older, we often feel that time for us is less abundant. Now, I’m in my late 40s. I am a middle-aged man (I think). I feel that time is no longer on my side. It seems to move far too fast. But time is equally given to us. The thing that really matters is our use of time.


Theroux, P. (2013). The Last Train to Zona Verde. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

My Hero

 My hero is Bill Clinton, a former US president.

There are three reasons why he is my hero.

First, he is handsome and good-looking.


Thirdly, ..........................

You can learn more about Bill Clinton on this website.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Unit 6 Pressure and Stress (EL 317) Reading and Writing 4

 Unit - 6 Unit review

Vocabulary preview

achievement (n)  - What is your greatest achievement?

ambition (n)  Do you have any ambition? Yes, I want to be a billionaire.

celebrity (n) *

childhood (n) **

Vocabulary development

clearly (adv) ***

definitely (adv) **

Academic words

apparent (adj) ***

confirmed (adj)

compare (v) ***

insist (v) ***

last (v) ***

lifestyle (n) **

is believed (phrase)

is thought (phrase)

dramatic (adj) ***

focus (n) ***

Academic words review

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

apparent highlighted investment media seek

1 The newspaper article

presented to the economy.

2 It was

from the cracks in the walls that the building was not

safe and was a danger to the public.

3 Do you think stocks and share are a good

they are too risky?

4 Adam didn’t know what to do, so he decided to


5 Do you use social media, such as Facebook and Twitter?

Reading 1

Reading 2

Study skill




or do you think

advice from a

I can identify cause and effect in a text.

I can infer the tone of a text to understand the writer’s opinion.

I can recognize my triggers to help me deal with stress.

I can use hedging and boosting vocabulary to make an opinion stronger or weaker.

I can use present conditionals to describe real and unreal situations.

I can write paragraphs describing causes and effects.



the challenges falling oil prices

limited (adj) ***

pressure (n) ***

put in (phrase v)

result (n) ***

may (mod v) ***

might (mod v)

highlight (v) **

media (n) ***

satisfaction (n) **

status (n) ***

work-life balance (n)

youth (n) ***

no doubt that (phrase)

surely (adv) ***

shift (n) **

theory (n) ***

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Jack Ma's Motivational Speech

 Jack Ma's Motivational Speech

By Janpha Thadphoothon

This is an analysis of Jack Ma's speech using the ACA model.

Below is the video: 

The ACA model is a model for analyzing general communication proposed by Janpha Thadphoothon in 2006.

A = Audiences

C = Conventions

Language Conventions

Socio-cultural Conventions

A = Aims (Intentions)

Who is the intended audience?

The video is intended for at least three groups of people. 

What are the conventions? 

Language conventions

- use of idioms/vocab

- sentence structures

Socio-cultural conventions

What are the aims of the speaker?

Listen to me click here.

Wanna listen to me? Please scan this QR code.


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Good sites



For Collaborative Writing


Saturday, February 6, 2021

Cloud OnAir: Build and deploy advanced virtual agents at speed with Dial...

The 17th Annual CamTESOL Conference - Personal Notes

 The 17th Annual CamTESOL Conference 

This is only a few days away, and the Organizing Committee encourage all delegates to read the important info. below, which contains information related to Conference Program, Presentation Schedule, and Hotline Support Contacts.


Thursday, February 4, 2021

APHEIT - EDU 2021 VIRTUAL Conference (27 February 2021) - DRAFT ONLY

The 5th National and the 1st International Conference on Education 2021


"Education Management Innovation for Transition to the New Normal"


27th February 2021

International Conference on Education under the Division of Education Studies of the APHEIT (The Association of Higher Education Institutions of Thailand)


DATE   27-FEB-2021




 09:00 - 09:50 (Plenary Session 1 - 2 Keynote Speakers - Prof. C.S. Taylor & Dr George M. Jacobs)

 10:00 - 10:45 (SESSION 1 - # 3 Presenters)

 11:00 - 11:45 (SESSION 2 - # 3 Presenters)

 12:00 - 12:45 LUNCHTIME

13.00-13.45 -   Plenary 2 - Prof Dr Paitoon Sinlarat + Dr. Imelda Santos Caleon

14.00 - 14:45 (SESSION 3 # 3 Presenters)

 15:00 - 15:45 (SESSION 4 # 3 Presenters)

 16:00 - 16:45 (SESSION 5 # 3 Presenters)

 17.00    CLOSING

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Ultimate Listening - Everybody Wants to be Heard, But Few Are Actually Listening

 Ultimate Listening - A Call To Arms

 By Janpha Thadphoothon

I can hear you, but I may not listen to you. Likewise, you can hear me, but you may not listen to me. The premise is this: listening and learning are not the same thing. Listening matters when it comes to learning and concentration.

Listening cultivates wisdom and removes ignorance. It is like a torch that dispels ignorance. If you enrich your mental continuum by listening, on one can steal that wealth. It is the supreme wealth.



On listening, The Dalai Lama said that:


I am talking to you and you are listening to me. We are generally under the impression that there is a speaker and an audience and there is a sound of words being spoken. But if I search within myself, I will not find the words and if you search yourselves you will not find them either --- they are all void like empty space. Yet they are not completely non-existent. This paradox relates to the dual nature of truth.


Similarly, J. Krishnamurti has this to say o the silent mind, the listening mind:


Go into it. It means knowledge is time. If you are using knowledge as a means of advancement, you are caught in time and therefore fear, anxiety, and the whole process goes on. To enquire into the nature of the ending of time requires a silent mind, a mind that is free to observe, not frightened, free to observe the movement of time in yourself, how you depend on it.


On learning, learning is like a passing wind.


I hear … and I forget

I see … and I remember

I do … and I understand


A Chinese proverb



So we forget something, say the recent stimuli, because of our limited brainpower. Of course, there are other factors influencing our perception. Some people say we have our historical records of reinforcement, negatively or positively.


We have both bad memories and pleasant memories. We all want to get rid of the bad ones, and keep the more desirable ones to cherish until the last breath.


Life is just like that. It’s part of a bigger canvas.

Communication Technology Shines on Us as the Blessing Light

Communication Technology Shines on Us as the Blessing Light

Janpha Thadphoothon

I decided to title my blog "Communication Technology Shines on Us Bring Us Needed Lights", as I have meditated and found some / no, many useful bits of the communication technological applications such as smartphones and the Internet. Some folks may say that they have lost their private lives and so on and so for. The undeniable truth is that the lights those technologies offer us outweigh any shortcoming they have had.

We should bear in mind that humans are far from perfect as species and conscious beings. Some are criminals and many are motivated by self-interests and primordial instincts alone. Freedom of expression and communication technologies often safeguard our civility and noble humanity. 

Some argue that we have had too much communication. Too many texts and fake news and rumor. This, on reflection, is better than little or no communication, living in the dark.  

Darkness is not just a metaphor, it is also a reality. The direction of human civilization has been from darkness to light, from salvage to cultured.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Why 'Academic Acclimatization' Matters

Why 'Academic Acclimatization' Matters

Janpha Thadphoothon

Every organism is capable of adjusting itself to the new environment. Time to get used to something new or things we used to do well. Yes, we need to get ourselves acquainted with the new situation. A bit like taking a shower on a cold day. You should not jump right to the water. 

We need to get used to the new situation. Like meeting someone. If you get or become acquainted with someone that you do not know, you talk to each other or do something together so that you get to know each other. You can also say that two people get or become acquainted. 

Reading or doing intellectual challenging tasks is a way to get acquainted with each other and with the academic world. In other words, we need to acclimatize ourselves to the new normal. Athletes recognize the need to warm up before the big day. 

 Acclimatization is the process in which an individual organism adjusts to a change in its environment. we can think of changes in altitude, temperature, humidity, photoperiod, or pH). When we have to deal with those situations, we need to get ourselves into the situation, stepping slowly into the rhythm of the context. 

We can notice lives in nature. We will notice that trees abandon their leaves prior to the coming of snow. Birds migrate south. They do so to maintain performance across a range of environmental conditions. 

In the academic world, like schools and colleges, we cannot simply ask the students or pupils to return to schools to study - humans are not machines. 

The process of acclimatization varies. it can be in a short period of time (hours to weeks) and within the organism's lifetime. 

Before we start or restart something, we need to do a warm-up. After all, it is our preparedness that makes us accurately perceive how good or bad a situation is.

Because, as they say, “Well begun is half-done.”

Learning about Generalization and Stereotypes

Cross-Cultural Communication Cross-Cultural Communication English ...