Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Why Thailand should not be hasty -- well-researched and well-planned education policies often triumph in the long run

Why Thailand should not be hasty -- well-researched and well-planned education policy and management often triumph in the long run

Janpha Thadphoothon
(Following is the article in progress..)

Reform is a magic word; every government has said it. But education is the core of the earth for every state. Any plan and policy should be proceeded with care and great effort. It is my personal feeling that Thailand may be a bit hasty when it comes to moving ahead with the education policy. 

Quality education is easier to put in words, discuss, and forget. To do it is no easy task. Policy makers know well that haste comes with risks. Education takes time to see its fruits. As we know, grade-A orchids take time to reveal their flowers, Education indeed is a long-term pursuit.

There are examples from other cultures and contexts for Thailand to emulate, learn from, adapt or even adopt, but that does not mean that Thai students / pupils will change in years to come. To change their learning behavior is like changing their culture. Culture, as we know, is hard to change. Some even say that we should not change and follow those economies. We have our own ways of doing things.

Maybe we need to seek our ways of achieving great results --- Thai-style high quality education, which is more likely to be received by Thai public and psyche. We, again, has a lot to learn from our very best orchids. Our orchids, in terms of quality, are second to none in the world. The secret is hard work and well-researched horticulture. it takes us decades to see the results. Our orchids are our teachers.

There are issues need to be crystallized in Thai society. What do we want? What do we want to see happen in Thailand in decades to come? Are we a moral nation? What hinders our growth, culturally and economically? and many more....

Education involves all parties and stakeholders. They should be able to freely voice their concerns and opinions regarding what's best for them and their country. This is a good opportunity for Thailand to come and really talk and discuss about its future. One thing is for sure, it cannot be done overnight. Any change in the structure and system is not a silver bullet. A straight jacket approach or one-size fits all is bound to be unfit in the long run and bring more problems than it can really solve.

Upon reflection, the very act of consultation and opinion sharing itself can be viewed as 'reform' --- the participation of teachers, community members, students, and society at large should be well-welcomed and received with glee.

How ready are those who have to implement the changes? Are Thai teachers well-trained and supported to face the new and unpredictable challenges? This may sound simple, but Thai authorities are well-aware of these issues related to Thai teachers. The simple task of developing Thai teachers is paramount, not to mention the development of Thai students. Real change may not be seen within our generation, but we have to move ahead and work with each other to make things better,

There are existing policies and projects worth keeping. Any change should be discrete and selective. Do not throw the baby with the bath water. More importantly, for quality improvement, all must work together and put aside ideological stance and political differences. Education is the future of the country. 

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