Wednesday, October 19, 2016


 How CMCL promotes language learning

Upon reflection, we (the researcher and his collaborators) realized that the two areas are equally important: fostering CT in English language learning as well as developing the students’ language proficiency. The task we undertook was enormous, but it is crucial for the students’ success in their learning.

One of the strengths reported in chapter 6 was that this CMCL was a platform for teachers to engage in activities that would enable them to be reflective practitioners.

On reflection this study gave the researcher as well as the teachers opportunities to learn for the members of the Bamboo Enterprise. The students were cooperative and performed their best.

In case study 3, we (the researcher and the teacher) admitted that despite our anticipation, we did not adequately anticipate linguistic demand of the task the students had to face.

We have come to realize that collaboration is challenging, but it is the key to success. Based on the literature review, there was enough evidence to show that collaborating with one another is more effective than competing with each other or learning in isolation. In fact, successful collaboration was found as the key to success.
Collaboration is indeed a means towards strengths.

The collaborators said.

What have I learnt? For me, this was the first time I guided a group of students through the process of preparing a PowerPoint presentation. Of course, I could not have done this without the technical know-how of Janpha and Junko. I learned that it doesn’t matter if I cannot teach my students how to prepare a PowerPoint presentation, or that I cannot guide them through a communication exchange on a website, as long as I can recruit technical help. After all, one person cannot be everything!

Another reflection echoed similar tone:

What have I learnt? Firstly, I have realised that there is a useful system called Yahoo Group in which students can share their ideas freely on the Internet. I have also realised that they begin to work both individually as well as by sharing their ideas with other classmates when they are given a group task. If they know exactly what they are supposed to do, they start searching information, prepare presentation slides, and even practice their group presentations on their own at the final stage of their project. All I had to help them with was just to make sure whether they were on the right track. Some of the students needed somebody to proofread their summary for their presentation. Other students needed some help about how to use PowerPoint. I helped some of them as much as I could, but I also saw them showing their own summaries to each other in order to get some feedback or by learning from each other with PowerPoint slides.

Another one:

What have I learnt? How I managed a long-term project that involves groups of students. I learned how to use this technology myself, for example, PowerPoint, website construction, Microsoft word, and chat rooms.

Like the students, this CMCL has the potential because it has encouraged the researcher as well as the teachers to be reflective in their understandings of their work.

Potential of this CMCL

The objective of the study, as repeatedly mentioned, was to determine the potential of the approach.

This initial investigation suggests that this CMCL has a lot of potential. The five areas of its potential are as follows:

There is strong evidence to suggest that this CMCL promotes the students’ communicative use of English. This CMCL was implemented in its broader sense entailing both online and off-line communication. It has the potential to promote communicative language learning. As demonstrated in all cases, English was actually used for communicative purposes was nothing but ‘a common denominator’ Group activities, with online and off-line supports, undoubtedly, have formed a trend toward communication methodology.

We agreed that this CMCL has the potential in enhancing  the students’ critical thinking in language learning. Certainly, CMCL has the potential to enhance learners’ critical thinking in language learning. Its serious emphasis on the environment could become a force within the ELT context. Critical thinking in language learning could also become an effective way of safeguarding against the abuse of information manufactured by the intentions of its sources, e.g. media and politicians and so on. The teachers should set themselves as good examples, open-minded, and develop themselves continuously.

This CMCL has the potential to be a viable means for language teachers to conduct such research. This study showed another way of doing it, thorough collaborative research in the classroom, which has been a widely-practiced form of research conducted by language teachers as practitioners (Brumfit & Mitchell, 1990; Cardenas, 2003; Kincheloe, 2003).Teachers need to continuously learn and grow, like students or any other professions. Conducting classroom research is another way toward professional growth (Richards, 2003), and this study has shown one way it could be done. Two cases were examples. The teacher in case study 2 wrote his paper for a conference(Cambage, 2004). One collaborator in case study 1 produced a related academic paper for her MA study (Kosaki, 2004).The two cases were examples of how this type of collaborative research could be a means for teachers and researchers could collaborate to develop themselves academically and professionally.

Recently, in the field of TESOL, teacher-researcher collaboration has been a new area of interest. Two commentaries in TESOL Quarter gave their insights they gained from their collaboration between teachers and researchers in TESOL(Hawkins & Leger, 2004; O'Connor & Sharkey, 2004). This is another way to enable teachers to become reflective practitioners (Schon, 1983).

As a Means To Actually Protect the Environment

English teachers, too, have their part in saving the environment, the broken in nature. Certainly, writing on the computer reduces the use of paper, and keeping the texts online means reducing more paper waste. As shown in many projects with the BE, many files were systematically stored and was ready to be retrieved by other members. Participants did not need to print them out from the site. Information available means photocopying can be reduced. Moreover, texts produced can be shared. In this thesis, CMCL by itself, through writing and publishing on websites, is an act of conservation, an act of saving trees to make paper as well as an act of reducing paper waste. Writing English, with help functions, e.g. spelling checkers, on computers may slowly replace writing using pen and paper.

Online networks help make online collaboration easier, and sharing of expertise on environmental issues. For example, a volunteer from Chile may wish to share how Santiago had successfully resolved their water pollution with a group of students in Bangkok. A global problem requires global efforts. Based on observational learning principles, sharing of success stories can help encourage others to do the same. A teaching profession that deals with language education like TESOL often regarded by the public as having limited role in societies, dealing with grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, rhetoric, how to use words to attain power. It’s the profession dubbed by many critics as one of the Sophists’ disciple. Recognizing the limitation of using words, the sixth caucus asks TESOL practitioners to take constructive actions.

Kumaravadivelu (2003) has urged ELT practitioners to work collaboratively with other stakeholders, e.g., fellow teachers, learners, experts in the field, and community activists.  Teachers should move away being passive technicians, which is their traditional role, to being those of the transformative intellectuals. However, his call has not been materialized, especially in the field of TESOL. Neither nor he suggests any practical items of advice for teachers or researchers.

More and more progressive educationists and policy makers would like to see more schools and communities work together to solve social and environmental, among others. Jacobs (2004, personal communication), for example, would like EFL studies or classrooms to actually do something to protect the environment, in addition to just ponder upon something in the air. Following is a good example. Amy Hemmert and Tammy Pelstring (2003), at CATESOL 2003 Convention reported some examples of schools that had actually implemented environmental projects. They gave the final thought as follows:

- As a society we’ve come a long way.
- We still have a long way to go to fully protect and effectively manage our natural environment.
- As teachers, we now have a large number of resources available to us, especially on the Internet.
- We need to make sure that we continue to involve ESL students in environmental education programs.

This study showed that learning online and off-line can be mixed, and such learning does not have to be isolated. CMCL is a means towards independent learning capacity. Most people may fail to notice that some of the loneliest places are big cities. There is growing argument that what will work best in this new learning environment is, an appropriate one, a mixed approach which combined online and face-to-face elements. Teachers need to find ways that suit their circumstances. Needless to say, they need to think integration. An image of a person sitting alone and felling lonely in front of the computer screen should be the history.

However, it can be argued either that interdisciplinary work need not be so ambitious or theoretically demanding (e.g., an academic based in an English department and an academic based in a Cinema Studies department may be quite readily able to define a mode of interaction that is rooted in an interdisciplinary procedure when examining a filmic text) or that it may be able to draw upon a set of procedures and theories that have attained a measure of clear definition (political economy). What is needed, perhaps, is clarity about what (and how much) is being attempted. Different levels of ambition can be defined.

Plainly, for example, there are different types of inter-disciplinary study:

Developing conceptual links using a perspective in one discipline to modify a perspective in another discipline

Recognizing a new level of organization with its own processes in order to solve unsolved problems within existing disciplines or problems that lie beyond the scope of any one discipline.

Using research techniques developed in one discipline to elaborate a theoretical model in another

Modifying and extending a theoretical framework from one domain to apply in another

Developing a new theoretical framework that may reconceptualize research in separate domains as it attempts to integrate them

Addressing broad issues and/or complex questions spanning more than one disciplinary field. (Klein, 1990)

What certainly seems to be the case is that, because the coverage of disciplines is incomplete and partial (in both senses of the word) some migration of specialisms and some hybridization is inevitable, and these need to be explored in any higher education programme of learning. Linguistics’ interactions with the (other) Social Sciences certainly illustrate this, with Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics in particular firmly established as what can be called interdisciplines—areas of knowledge, study and learning with distinct, evolving theoretical and methodological procedures. Such interdisciplines are certainly not unamenable to undergraduate study.

Even though a real sense of being in a community, in this case BE, was not strong among members. The best that this study can claim was that many members had benefited from the support provided by the community. CMCL as a theme means working towards knowledge-building community where knowledge can be systematically archived and shared (Wenger, 1998).

We came to one conclusion, that is: this CMCL has a lot of the potential in promoting communicative use of English and enhancing critical thinking in language learning. On top of that, despite difficulties, it also has the potential to be a means for professional development through classroom research. This CMCL also has the potential to be platform for teachers and students to put critical thinking into action by actually, as one of the student websites has put it: Do Something About It, protect the environment. Lastly, from a bigger picture, this CMCL, from an ecological approach to language learning and teaching, has the potential to be a possible theme in education.

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