Thursday, October 6, 2016

What is "Democracy"?

What is democracy?

It may be a simple question. But the question is worth our time. Spending time pondering upon the notion and meaning of democracy makes us think more critically and deeper on the construction of our own society.

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Democracy is the governing system where the people have power to govern themselves and determine their destiny. When I was young, I used to memorize it by heart as follows:

"Democracy is the governing system of the people - for the people - and by the people." In many countries, democracy refers to "a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."

It is not easy for countries or states to have the state of full democracy. Today, democracy has not well-established in many countries.

Academics say that 'democracy' may not be the best system, but it is the system that has the least flaws. One may criticize the system where the majority of people are those who hold the power - the legislative power or the power to enact laws or rules for the people in one society to live as a nation or state. However, one will find it hard to come up with alternatives.

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