Friday, July 5, 2024

Languages and Standards: The Necessity of Diversity

Languages and Standards: The Necessity of Diversity

Janpha Thadphoothon

As an English teacher, I often wonder about the many standards we have. Knowing English is a matter of reaching certain expectations – standards. These standards are what some societies expect you to be able to perform and demonstrate.

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language ability. It describes language ability on a six-point scale, from A1 for beginners, up to C2 for those who have mastered a language.

Tests show something about your standards. TOEIC, IELTS, and TOEFL are all part of these standards. They are designed to measure your proficiency and ensure that you meet the required level of competence for various purposes, whether academic, professional, or personal.

However, while standards are important, we must also recognize the necessity of diversity. Language is not just about meeting standards; it's about communication, culture, and connection. Each learner brings a unique background and perspective to their language learning journey. Embracing this diversity enriches the learning experience and fosters a more inclusive environment.

In the classroom, we should strive to balance the need for standards with the appreciation of diversity. By doing so, we can help our students not only meet expectations but also celebrate their unique linguistic and cultural identities. This approach will ultimately lead to a more holistic and meaningful language learning experience.

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